Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Chapter Four : Frostbite
     Melody was suddenly awoken when she heard loud bangs on the bars of her cell.

     "EEK," She gave out a yelp. She saw Frostbite standing at the door, he did not look happy at all.

     "Get up," he said, opening the bars.

      She sat up obediently, it felt warmer. How long was she asleep? Frostbite took the ropes off of me, did this mean I was free?

     "Don't even think about trying to escape," he adds, answering my question. Melody nodded, standing up and following him.

     "What are we doing? Where are we going?" She asked.

     "Sadly, you're supposed to come with me," Frostbite said under gritted teeth. "Which is stupid because I don't understand why you can't just stay in your cell like a prisoner."

     Melody didn't understand why either. She knew why she had been locked up. She'd been tresspassing. Well- that was the reason right? She walked beside Frostbite, travelling down the same depressing hallway of prisoners.

     "Hey-" an older guard called to Frostbite. "She wants the cuffs." He finishes, tossing a pair of handcuffs to us.

     "Ugh," I see Frostbite roll his eyes. "Handcuffed to the prisoner? Has she lost her mind?" He spits.

     "Unless you want me to report to her, I suggest you do it kid," the guard says narrowing his eyes.

     "Fine," Frostbite growls under his breathe. He grabs his handcuffs and attaches one to his left wrist while he connects one to my right.

     "This is so stupid," he mutters. "Just because I turned you in, I have to be the one to watch you." He hisses.

     Melody sorta kinda actually felt a little sad. Not really- because y'know, he caught her. But he was forced to do something he didn't want to. Melody could almost, but not really, relate. She had to keep her pace with Frostbite's quick walking and long strides. She kept tripping and Frostbite only grunted.

     They made it into the outside world, it was bright and blinding. The sunlight reflected off of the white stuff on the ground. Although she felt really stupid to ask this, she did anyways.

     "What's this white stuff everywhere?" She asked looking around. Frostbite looked at her like she was insane.

     "It's called snow," he replied.

     Melody's eyes lit up, gazing in wonder. She wondered how it snowed. Why didn't it happened anywhere else? Snow was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Frostbite rolled his eyes, ignoring her and looking straight ahead.

      Wait. Oh no.

      It was daytime.

      Melody made a small gasp noise, Frostbite looked at her with skeptical eyes. Melody quickly closed her mouth. It was daytime. What would her family think? What was everyone doing? Were they looking for her?

     "What's up with you?" Frostbite asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

     "Nothing." Melody quickly said, giving an uneasy smile.

     Frostbite grunted and continued treading through the snow. They had passed guards and Ice Dragons galore. They all stared at Melody like she was a monster. Her parents always told her she was beautiful the way she was, and no one would say anything otherwise. The word Frostbite uttered still ran through her mind.


     Was a hybrid a bad thing? Her parents never told her about hybrids. We're hybrids a new type of dragon? Did Frostbite call her a hybrid? If he did then she didn't know if a hybrid was a good or bad thing.
     They passed by a wooden made fixture. They had three holes in it, one big one and two small ones. A large blade hung menacingly  above the wooden structures. She heard yowling from a dragon trying to fight some guards, but he was so weak and underfed he didn't have the strength to escape. They had sliced his wings clean off, the wound had scabbed over into a lump where his wings used to be. They opened the wood and shoved his head into the largest hole, and placed his talons into the smaller ones. They quickly shut thr wood down, he tried yanking his head out, but he couldn't.

      She looked away when the blade fell.

     Frostbite walked by like nothing had happened.

Melody still had no clue where they were going to, it just looked like Frostbite wanted to do errands. She didn't really understand why she had to come along. Maybe Frostbite was thinking the same thing. She heard many lude words and rude gestures. One dragonet had called her a featherling was they travelled into town. Dragons darted to and fro, they all sneered at her.

"FREAK." One mother yelled, cupping her child in her wings.

Frostbite kept his mouth shut, he never said anything. Almost like he didn't want to be seen with her, like she was invisible. Everyone seemed to know who he was, no one tried to speak bad of him, their opinions were pinned on Melody. Melody guessed he was a guard of some sort, he was a young guard. He didn't stop anyone from spewing words, some little dragonets had the pleasure of yanking her wing feathers.

"I got a featherling's feather!" A child yelled out.

It hurt.

It hurt so bad.

Melody kept her head down and bit her lip. She didn't want to cry in public. Whenever anyone tried pulling another feather she yanked her wing away. Was this the plan? To humiliate her in public? She was barely even in here for a day, everything was already terrible.

"Sorry," he said without looking back at her. "I know it's terrible here." He added.

Melody didn't reply. They continued walking, the snow still glistening on the ground. She felt like there was more that he had to say, but he never said anything else. They came up to a cave, it looked like a shop.

"Hey, what's goin' on Frosty," a gruff voice said. An Ice Dragon came to the window and pat the stone. A fire glowed on the inside. How the heck did Ice Dragons have fire? She heard clanking metal and bangs of hammers within the inside.

"Hey," Frostbite replied back.

"What's that thing for?" The dragon at the window pointed toward Melody. Everyone referred her to an 'it' or 'thing'.

"Queen's got her head in a twist, she wants me to bring this thing everywhere I go," Frostbite said annoyed.

Well ouch.

"Why?" The dragon asked.

"Classified." Frostbite answered, he then brought out a sword from it's sheath. It had a deep blue handle with brown cloth wrapped around it. The blade was a shimmering silver color, but the edges were bent and little niches laid here and there.
"D'you think you can fix this," Frostbite laid the sword on the counter, the Ice Dragon observed it and nodded.

"Yeh, I'll see what I can do," he nodded again and started walking inside. "It'll be good by tomorrow."

Frostbite nodded, saying thanks and walking away. Great, now they'd have to go past the town again.

"Look! It's back!" Melody glanced up to see a bunch of teenagers about 5 years younger than her.

"I want a piece of hair this time," a dragon came up to her, trying to nab the hair along her neck. She jerked back, she wasn't willing to give them a chance to rip her hair out.

"I can help," another dragonet said cunningly. He hovered above her and grabbed a tuft of hair, she heard laughing. Constant laughing.

"Leave me alone," Melody furrowed her eyebrows reaching to grab the annoying flying dragon.

"Oh, missed me!" He flew higher into the air. "Fly to catch me!" He taunted.

"Can't fly if you don't have feathers," another dragonet sneered yanking a large feather from the bottom of her left wing. Melody whinced, larger feathers hurt more.

Melody felt like jetting off into the air. She didn't want to be here. She regretted flying away from home. If she could take it all back she would.

"Get outta here before I make you," she heard Frostbite say fiercely between gritted teeth. He hissed and the kids flew off, one still held one of Melody's feathers.

The nightmare was over. She wouldn't be going back through the town, for now. Melody's eyes watered, she blinked her eyes and kept everything in. She wanted to wait until she was back in her cell to cry. It was silent on the way back to the prison camp.

"Thanks," Melody peeped out.

"Shut up," Frostbite hissed at her. "You pathetic burden." He snapped at her.

That hurt.

Even more than when she had said that earlier.

He arrived at her cell, shoving her onto the ground. Feathers flew everywhere, her tail almost got caught in the bars when he slammed them back closed.

"Wish you just died of the cold and got out of my life," she heard Frostbite hiss as he walked away. She didn't understand why she had to go with him the entire day. She shakily stood up, she hadn't eaten the whole day. She opened her wings, she had bare patches here and there, but she was okay. She went to lie in a corner, she ducked her head under her wing. Scrunching her nose up and tucking her tail in, she sat there. And cried.

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