插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Martia comic book cover update
Finally finished the cover! Whoa! But today i am not showing you the finished version. I am showing you what the manga itself is gonna look like on the inside. Its gonna look like my art before its detailed with the airbrush brush. Its like i stopped at the shadeing and finished (just see the picture and youll see, itll be unessacary to explain)

I choose not to perfect the comic so much and make it a lil more simpiler without ruining the look of the comic. Hence, my older manga Truth-be-Told. Great story idea, but terribly made. I might remake it one day, idk. But, i dont wanna just lineart it anymore like a manga and instead at least color it and shade it. If i decide to perfect it, the effort would not only end up worthless but take too long. I domt wanna take more than a year or even a little more than a year to finish this.

Now that i look at the script though, its decent, but it seems as though my comic will be much more than 50 pages ;-;) but yet again, you never know. Well just have to see how much time it takes for it to be finished and how many pages well end up with without cutting the script. I do not intend to change my script in anyway.

Reminder, this comic is only for practice use to hone my skills to become a independent comic book artist one day. I will still accept criticism, but please be aware of this.

Thanks for reading this and staying with me :) i know some of my followers may have left by now considering i dont post as much as i used to. But still, thank you. loves 💝💝💝
