Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Lilac : Melody and Harmony Short
Lilac yawned and loped out of bed, it was early enough in the morning for her to head to the food court and get back here to gather he stuff for class to begin. She glanced to her left where her cousin slept, she had heard he was getting a new roomie. She glanced to her right and saw her whole dorm still dozing off. So of course, she had to do this.

"HEY CALCITE!" She pounced on Calcite, jerking her awake and out of her nest. "A FIRE!!!"

"Huh..WHERE?!" Calcite flew upwards, leaves falling onto the flooring as she darted through the leaves. Polarmist was already wide awake, Dove sleepily yawned and stretched her wings.

"What now?" Polarmist hissed. She was always grumpy.

Lilac was left laughing, Calcite had fluttered back down, rubbing her head.

"Lilac, you have to stop doing that," Calcite yawned. They heard thr boys' dorm next to them shuffle with movement, they were awake.

"Lilac, what are you doing this time?" She heard TimberWing yell across to them.

"Yea I literally hear you every morning," Igneous moaned, she felt bad for Igneous, he slept across from her in the other dorm. Peak lazily opened it his eyes but turned and fell back asleep.

"Is it time for class?" Dove lay facing the sky, still stretching. She was the type who liked "beauty sleep", but if you woke her up she would take a few minutes to adjust.

"Sorry, not sorry," She yelled to Timber. She heard him grunt and plop back into his nest.

"C'mon, let's go grab some food before class, I'm starving," Lilac pleaded.

"But Lilac, you're always hungry," Dove sat upright in her nest.

"I'm a Rock Dragon, I like food," Lilac said.

"I guess I could go for some food," she saw Calcite land next to her. "What about you Misty?"

Misty shook her head and landed back in her nest.

"You go, I'll sleep with Misty.." Dove yawned and curled into a ball again.

"Yea! Kay, let's goooo," Lilac glided outside, and they headed to the food court together.

They had ordered their food and sat at a table, the sun was peaking its head through the morning mist and beamed brightly. Calcite was picking at her bunny, Lilac was munching away at two plates of squirrels. She looked up and tilted her head Calcite.

"You're not hungry?" Lilac asked.

Calcite flinched her head up.

"Oh, just. Thinking." Calcite stuttered her words.

Calcite seemed off the past few days, she was probably going throught something hard, Lilac knrw better than to ask her, so she kept on eating.
Later that day she saw Timber and another Air Dragon come in. Finally, they had a new dragon, that way Calcite didn't have to make groups of three all the time. Everything seemed normal, until it wasn't. She was with Dove when she heard a holler, when she went over to investiagate she found Storm and Calcite standing next to a body. Lilac wanted to believe it wasn't real, that it was all just a cruel prank, but it wasn't. Someone had called over Sprucetail and he quickly dismissed the class and ushered us away. Lilac never really knew OakScales, she'd heard of him, but never really aknowledged him.

Lilac had followed Storm and TimberWings during Storm's tour of the camp.

"Oh yea! Time to explore~!" Lilac said in a sing-song voice. She was the first to fly off but the last to her cousin's canopy. She over heard the guys chatting, they were greeting Storm.

"This is a terrible introduction," Lilac said, rolling her eyes.

"We're doing introductions?" Delta asked.

Lilac grew tired of the chatter. When she left her cousin's dorm to meet her own she saw Misty sitting next to Calcite's nest, Dove said she'd be out getting food and come back later. Calcite was mourning.

"He's not worth the pity, c'mon Calcite stop being a featherling," Misty said in an irritated whiny tone.

Lilac walked up to Calcite, her face was covered under her wings. Her shoulders lightly bobbed up and down.

"Calcite?" Lilac asked.

"Lilac, not now," Misty said.

"But, maybe I can help," Lilac offered.

"No, I said- Not. Now." Misty finished sternly.

Lilac quickly walked away, she knew when Polarmist was serious. She felt Polarmist didn't really like her the way Calcite liked her. And did she call Calcite a featherling? Gee that seemed rude.
Everything was wrong, so, so wrong. Flora had died in recent weeks, Lilac didn't understand what was going on amymore. Igneous just seemed so distant, he just never spoke to anyone. Time had flown by so fast, but today was dragging along slowly, too slowly. The early morning sun shone through her canopy, the guys were all sleeping, each one facing away from each other. Misty was asleep as well, and Dove was gone on a family trip. Wait a second.
She glancedat Calcite's nest which was empty. Now where had she gone to? She noticed Storm was gone as well. She flew out from her dorm to find them. Maybe Calcite was just trying to clear her head, Lilac knew how she felt. She wanted away from the madness as well. Lilac heard soft murmuring from behind the dorms and landed on a branch above Calcite. Was she speaking to Storm?
Lilac suddenly saw a glimpse of white scales and a dragon who looked much like Calcite. She guessed it was Peak. Peak sooner left amd suddenly she saw Calcite dart off. What the huh? Where were they going??

Before Lilac could fly off after them she was yanked by the wings.

"Tell me where they went," she heard a voice from behind her hiss.

"Wha- huh?" Lilac stuttered and flailed her wings.

"I said. Tell me where they went.." the voice said in a darker tone from before.

"What do you mean? Who?" Lilac blurted out.

"You know what I mean pathetic mud brain," Lilac heard Polarmist say hastily.

"Misty, what do you want?" Lilac whipped her head around, backed onto the edge of the canopy. She knew Misty had secretly hated her, but not this much.

"TELL ME WHERE THEY WENT." Misty clenched her claws tighter around Lilac's wing and used her other claws to grasp Lilac's neck.

"I-I don't know-" Lilac choked. Why did she want to know where Calcite and Storm went?

"USELESS ROCK DRAGON, " Misty roared and began nabbing at Lilac's face. Everything happened so fast Lilac didn't see it coming. She saw faint figure of Polarmist's figure fly into the air as she fell to the ground.
"Lilac!" She heard a muffled voice say.

"LILAC!!" Sheheard the voice again, this time more clearly.

Lilac opened her eyes slowly, not remembering what had happened. Her head ached, as well as her wings. She felt claws help her up from the soil, her wings felt dusty.

"LILAC, ARE YOU OK?" She felt Timber shake her violently.

"Ahh, no stop," Lilac urged, holding her head.

"Oh mY GoD yoU'Re OK," TimberWing's voice shook and he wrapped his wings around his cousin.

There was a brief pause, then Lilac realized something.

"Timber.." Lilac said slowly.

"What?" She felt Timber pull away but he still grasped her claws on her shoulders.

"I.." Lilac said quietly.

"Lilac? What's wrong?" Timber said quickly.

"I'm...blind." Lilac said emotionless, staring off into blank nothingness.

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