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2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
Chapter Twenty-Three : 26th
Harmony sat along the edge of her new den, overlooking the Earth Kingdom. She abrubtly sat up when her sister walked inside.

"Heya," her sister called cheerfully.

"What are you doing here?" Harmony asked, happy to see her.

"Well, I heard we were supposed to meet here at your den this year," Melody mentioned, lounging on one of her couches.

"Oh boy, I wonder what they planned this year," Melody bounced up and down.

Harmony rolled her eyes, then flinched when she heard someone land by the entrance. A dragon walked in, he had aged with years and held a tray in his talons. The tray had food, food galore.

"Father!" Harmony and Melody said simultaneously.

"Hello girls," their father said, setting down the tray on a nearby stone table and wrapping his wings around them. A few moments later another dragon entered the den, she had faded speckles all over her cheeks.

"There are my lovely daughters," their mother came to hug them. "Happy 26th children," she nudged their faces.

"I'm not a child anymore," Melody complained, giving a slight smirk and smiling.

"When is Storm supposed to come?" Harmony turned to their father.

"He'll make it here, Junior's been busy with school," he answered.

"How many more are we gonna cram into this den?" Calcite tucked in her wings.

"Oh, my den is far too small for a party," Harmony started. "We'll be outside."

"OooOOh, the weather is perfect too!" Melody darted outside with the tray of food.

"Melody! Be careful!" Calcite chastised and hollered, flying outside.

Their father wrapped his right wing over his daughter, leading her outside. Another dragon landed onto the grass, it was a bright day with a calm shifting breeze.

"Hey," Melody said surprised. She set down the tray on a stone table that sat outside. Several tables made of either stone or logs sat around the area, wooden carved chairs circled the place.

"Oh hey, look, it's Frosty-Face," Harmony joked.

"Ha ha, good one. Even better than all the other time's you've said that," Frostbite joked. "I'm only here for the food."

"Lies," Harmony roll her eyes. She was PRETTY sure he came for Melody. Melody always denied it, but Harmony knew that they were more than 'friends'.

More dragons arrived, a lot had changed the past 6 years. After the war ended, the Air and Ice Dragons designed a peace treaty, and enforced laws to keep it that way. Some dragons still resented one another, but to this day no one really knows what sparked the hatred those 250 years ago, whatever it was it didn't matter anymore. It was over.

After all that her and her family moved from their old den in the Sea Kingdom. Hybrids were now allowed between the Ice and Air Nations, tying the peace bond together. Instead of shunned, they were accepted, seen as not just an Air Dragon, or Ice Dragon, as their own selves. They didn't have to be worried about being labled as something bad, they had their own voice now. It turned out there were many more hybrids than anyone thought, and when hybrids were legalized between the two nations they all came out of hiding.

Harmony enrolled in a college and planned to become a history teacher. Melody enrolled in a different school, she planned to work in a hatchery, she loved children. Storm was still currently in highschool, and was doing very well. He was seen as a hero for once. He wasn't the scared little dragonet who never left his cave anymore, he was the dragon who stood up against one of the most dangerous dragons of all time. Sometimes his hot-headedness annoyed Harmony.

Her friends from school landed on the grass, nudging her, placing more food, and admiring her new den.

"Have you heard the news?" One of her friends spoke.

"What is it this time Mistral," Harmony asked. Mistral was another hybrid, just like her. Mistral was the gossipy type.

(Mistral means cold wind basically.)

"They say Earth and Water Dragons are having hybrids too," her friend piped.

"Woah, so they're kinda like-" Harmony started.

"Exactly, like, us," Mistral answered happily.

Harmony glanced up and looked around, more dragons had gathered around. She saw a large dragon flapping in the distance, he held something in his talons. She saw Melody run up to him.

"Timber!" She flew into his chest, he nearly dropped his gift when she did.

"Hello, I have a gift for you guys," he said, handing them each little carved stones with their names engraved in them, hanging from a chain.

He handed Harmony a necklace with a white stone, an agate, with tanish and lighter streaks running up and down the stone. Melody got a ruby one.

"Happy 26th," he said with raspy gentleness.

"Alright everyone, the big reveal!" Calcite hollered, making everyone hush. She brought a large plate of multiple foods that both her and Melody adored, and placed it in the center. Toasted seagull, with greens neatly placed along the sides, berries sat in two bowls, one on each side of the large tray. Even though they lived in the Air Kingdom now, they still loved seagulls.

"Happy 26th," she overheard Frostbite say to Melody, Harmony rolled her eyes again. Frostbite still wore the shell necklace she had given him 6 years ago, it fit snug around his neck now.

"HAPPY 26TH!" A voice yelled through the air, then a dragon knocked into them from their sides, nearly ruining the table of endless food.

"STORM!" Melody complained, but ended up hugging him with her wings.

"You feather-head, you almost knocked the food over," Harmony said. She saw a strict look from her mother.

"No swearing Harmony," she said waving a talon.

"Sorry, you incredibly-clumsy-dragon-who-almost-knocked-the-food-over," Harmony corrected herself.

"How's school?" Melody asked.

"Could be better-" Storm said. "Is that seagull? OoOOoOO," he said with awe.

Harmony gazed at the crisp blue sky. The world was finally quieting down, and the two nations who hated each other the most were finally getting along.

"I love you guys," Harmony laughed and lightly nudged her brother and sister.

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