Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Chapter 12 : No Escape
Calcite ran outside, Storm trailed behind her. Guards swarmed the hallways, running to and fro, servants clattered around with dishes. Calcite flinched when she heard a servant drop some plates, shattering onto the floor.
Down the hall double doors were busted down with a plume of frost, and the area was filled with a chilly draft. Several Ice Dragons hissed, nabbing a servant-
"C'mon! We need to get out of here!" Storm wrenched Calcite's claws again.

All around her dragons fleed in panic, flooding the hallways, she didn't understand why the invasion was happening NOW. First it was pushed 2 weeks ahead of schedule, now by 2 more days. What was Celcius doing.

"DUCK," Storm grasped Calcite and shoved her to the ground, a plume of cold ice shooting over them.

They stood up and sprinted out another set of double doors, outside was even worse. Dragons were being robbed, she saw another family being ripped apart. The father had been frozen while the mother helplessly fought to save her children.

There was so much screaming.

"MOM!" Storm shrieked, letting go of Calcite and flying off. She saw Storm fly over to a dragon who looked much like him.

Storm tackled the Ice Dragon trying to rob her and pinned it's head to the ground, she regained balance and knocked Storm off of her, about to send a blast of ice. Calcite looked up trying to see what was happening on his cliffside house, all she saw was a plume of fire and the Ice Dragon plummeting to the ground, Calcite bit her lip and ran to save her from hitting the ground. They tumbled into the bushes together and the Ice Dragon immediately stood up and looked back at Calcite, helping her up as well.

"That dragon's feisty," she huffed. "I recommend older or younger dragons." She said quickly, running off.

Calcite was torn between saving the Air Dragons or staying loyal to the Ice Dragons. Storm later returned with his mother, her hair had been tossled and a few bruises but she was all in all fine.

"It's not safe here," Calcite said towards his mother.

"Mom, what about Uncle Zephyr, he lives near the Sea Kingdom and no one'll think to look there," Storm said helping her stand.

"Uhm, who's this?" Her voice quivered as she pointed to Calcite.

"She's with us, don't worry," Storm comforted her.

Calcite glanced behind her, a giant dragon menacingly hovered in the air. Her scales were crisp white with dull blue spikes and wings. She landed in the midst of the chaos, her neck arching over the land.

"Celcius," Calcite breathed.

Calcite stood still in her spot, gazing at the huge dragon, she was almost as large as the Air King himself.

"THERE SHE IS!" A dragon called out, Calcite flinched. It was another Ice Dragon pointing at her. "THE TRAITOR!"

Celcius whipped her head around and stared Calcite down. Calcite shook in her place, not knowing what to do.

"Looks like you failed," Celcius spat intimidatingly. "We still came anyways." She hissed.

"What, I-I-" Calcite stuttered.

"Peak told us about you," Celcius drew closer, looming over Calcite. Her own brother turned her in.

"Your Majesty," Calcite quickly bowed. "I can assure you that what we're doing is wrong. There are so many other approaches we could've taken, if you just consid-" Calcite said quickly.

"Calcite~" Celcius said in an unsettlingly cheerful way. "Your loyalty, is lacking." She suddenly became very serious.

"Celcius, I-" Calcite started.

"Traitors aren't tolerated," Celcius said before she could finish. It was the same thing Misty had said to Calcite. "Seize her."

Before she knew it Calcite was grasped by the arms, she flared her wings to try and get away, but her wings were still healing. Her whole world was collapsing, what did she do..

"CALCITE!" Storm shouted. He ran up and grabbed her talons, their claws lingered until Celcius quite easily shoved Storm away, tossing him to the ground and leaving him. The last thing she saw was Storm's back as she was carried away.
Then she was blinded, and her world went blurry.
Calcite's head ached, the ground was terribly uncomfortable, she suddenly jolted herself awake. She sat up in her spot, looking around, she was in a cave, dark and secluded. Around her she heard moans of other dragons, some even crying. She stood up and walked forward, trying to see out of her cave, the entrance was blocked with bars. There was little light, torches burned along the walls but they were severely dim.

The first thing Calcite did was send an ice blast onto the bars, of course it wouldn't work, these bars were meant for Ice Dragons.. she placed her head on the bars, gripping the poles. She glanced at her wings, they were stained with dried blood, and her side didn't seem to be getting any better. A draft flew into the chamber and Calcite shivered, not because she was chilly, because she knew where she was.

Calcite curled into a ball and shut her eyes tightly.

She was back in the Ice Kingdom, the Ice Kingdom's prison.

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