일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Things I hate (as an artist
Yes I ripped the titled off. I’m sorry TvT
1. Explaining what I’m drawing. Ex: “It’s uh.. A um. Owl-deer-plant thing??”
2. “What makes you think of drawing this?” “Internet bruh.”
3. “Woaw how do you draw so good?” “9 years of art practice” “HOW. THE ANSWER EVADES ME.”
“It’s just practice..”
4. “Do you do requests?” “Sorry, I just have a lot of stuff that I do irl..” “Aww but I really wanted to see how you would draw my character :(“
5. Seeing everyone hate on their own art. STFU YOU ANGEL MUFFIN. YOUR ART IS GODLY. FIGHT ME.
6. “Can you draw this for me?” “Can you draw me/oc/generic animal?” (More of an irl thing than online.)

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