I am back from the dead! Just want to say hi and to tell you guys that THIS GUY⬆️ is a fursuit now :)
Does anyone want pictures of it

I go by she/her. You can call me Nyx/Mossy/Bea. I’m 14.
🌱Fursonas are:
✨Ace- Protogen
🌕Nyx- Werewolf
🌱 Universes I made:
🟢Feral- with Mossy
🌗Sanctuary-with Nyx, Dr. Birb and Spirit
🌱If you hurt Sleepy, Umbriiel, Zyvra, or AshI will bite you and scream profanities.
Reddit acc: https://www.reddit.com/user/WholesomeWerewolf/
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.
- 活动地点:Thevoidoftheunknown
- 2019年05月 Ibecameafurry
Apple Pencil
Verbatim by Mother Mother
Muted pinks, grays, and browns
Two to three hours a day
Dead AMV by Brightgoat
Gravity Falls, Loki
My sister
Motivation, a soul
Yarn, crochet hooks
Cake or bread. Doesn’t matter
Knitting, my fursonas, Eating food
Animating, catching a bird
I am a crocheter and make amigurumi plushies

Fluffy croc!,!!! My thought process was to take albino croc and make it fluffy, then pastel the shit out of it
(Also the way I drew her stripes is inspired by Sweetntreat/smolpinkcat at Twitter)
CHILD :000000
> BushBabyOrigins Then it has gold sparkly flesh. Also it tastes like candy
What happens if you skin it
I am officially joining Art Fight! For some various reasons I can’t upload characters to Art Fight, so here’s my Toyhouse account if you want to attack me!! https://toyhou.se/MossyMenagerie
> Zote https://artfight.net/~Lichenthrope Here you go!
Can you link your ArtFight?
I’ve heard of it I want to sign in I just haven’t done it yet
After several months of looking for invite codes, forgetting for many more months, then remembering to look again, I officially have a TH!! You can now find me as “MossyMenagerie”.I am very excited to organize my blorbos. All the blorbos. Not one shall be spared from my watchful eyes and collecting hands. https://toyhou.se/MossyMenagerie/characters
> Zote Hot damn thank you! I gotta check out yours!
I 100% just faved all your characters and followed you Welcome to TH!
yas >:] blorbos hehe
> Mossy/Bea Yessss >:} Also ty ^^
> Zyvra Dragonfyre I plan to tie a butter knife to her hand and duct tape her to my roomba so she can go gallivanting on time crimes with me >:) Also I saw your Loki cosplay!!! You did a great job on it!
*steals MINE NOW
So I have some questions for you guys. I want to make a crochet granny square vest, with each square being a different Pride flag. I’m doing my research for it, but I want to know if you guys think it’s a good idea. As a cis straight person, I don’t know if this vest would come off as something cool to wear, or rather something like appropriation. The last thing I want is to offend or appropriate LGBTQIA+ people. I just wanted to make something fun for Pride month that I can wear to outings.
> BushBabyOrigins Yoo this is a good idea
Mm Maybe in the middle put Ally? To show your support? Cuz i think its a cool idea :D
Here is birb, before her design was changed. She used to be a raven harpy!
YAS >:}
> BushBabyOrigins Naughty no no
if I told you how many incompleted ref sheets I’ve made for this fursona idk if you would believe me.
I tried. 5 fucking times for an entire YEAR and yet have no ref of my main oc!!
Anywho this is Nyx, she’s a grandmacore bi werewolf and I love her to pieces. My blorbo, my miette.
Last pic is a fursuit mock-up I made!
:0 *gasp* it bb <3
> BushBabyOrigins Yodels viciously
Looks good so far!!
I’m back from hiatus! I dunno if you guys still follow me or not but ayy~
How’s everyone?? I’ve been gone mostly bc I was tired of Medi’s ads and just… haven’t made digital art in 3 months?? But I am back now! I won’t be posting much, but I’ll comment and like art!
Recently I’ve been working on some big projects. I am starting my graphic novel featuring my werewolf pack and other ocs, with lots of fun lore! And I will also be working on a fursuit of my main oc Nyx, which I’m super excited for!
I am glad to be back! Also Ash, if you’re reading this, hi! Your art style has improved so fast!!
> BushBabyOrigins Piss green back to you, uyou lovely skeleton
Piss greeeeeeEen
Hey mossy!! Long time no see
I present to you: ✋✨me, but older✨🤚
I’m finally 14 tomorrow
> Tigermoth Thank you ):0
Happy Birthdayyy >:D
> Zyvra Happy spawn day :D
Happy spawn day!!!! :D
Not even my intrusive thoughts and slightly suicidal impulses can keep me from drawing
(Censored because I decided to draw 🅱️00b1e dog crying
Heyyy whats up bro :D
it’s great that you’re back! im free to chat if you ever need it :) also boobie dog
Glad to see you back And I love me some beautiful art work like this.
Eyyy heyo :D
I swear only Sia can get away this
tf did I just see
Gerald your cat-boy is biting my son please take him away”
No but seriously wtf is with Medi and these H****ai ads like?? I am a MINOR?? MOST KIDS ON THIS WEBSTIE ARE?. I don’t WANT YOUR BLEEPING CAT BOIS
Yeah it's pretty sad Once I got this manga ad, it was how some powerful dragon got turned into a little child. I think about this sometimes and hope it's not an nsfw manga because it genuinely looks decent
> sleepy Lmfaoooo
These are as normal occurrence everywhere now sadly :[
Looks like Tord but a catboy eddsworld.fandom.com static.wikia.nocookie.net/eddsworld/images/d/d4/To...
My mom is going to help me order one from Neffertity!!! Gonna get one of my Werewolf bab, Nyx
*photo of one of Neffertity’s head commisions
> mediumm||🐸🌃 yup. fun life :,D
> Tigermoth Lmao so relatable I’m probably never gonna tell them and just make my own head in secret :,) Already made paws n they still have found out :D
> Mossy/Bird Ah ok :,D *cries in haven't told parents*
> Mossy/Bird Your dad liking protogens feels like such a dad thing ngl But also rad B) I can't wait and its not even my fursuit head lmaooo
I’ve decided that I would prefer to be called Mossy/Nyx/Bird/Birdie. Recently I’ve been struggling to connect to the name I’ve been given by my family. It didn’t really fit me. So if you could, please call me Bird! Thank you
thank you for telling us!! I'm so so proud of you <333
> Zyvra Oof
(which is the complete opposite of who I am lmao)
Yeah this is relatable, my real name sounds like I'm a stereotypical super-christian white girl :/
*theorized self harm TW (just thoughts)
I just feel like.. like hurting myself recently. Not too bad, but enough to leave a bruise.
I keep wanting to bang my head into the wall.
My brain is tired of forgetting it’s a human being. Forgetting I’m a person, a name.
I want to fling my hands, arms, legs against something, until I have to stop. Until I shatter.
Will I have to stop? How long could I keep doing it?
Curiosity killed the cat, but (something) brought it back.
Curious, bored, wondering.
Why shouldn’t I hurt me?
I want to not be me.
Mossy the human has such a great life, everything is going great for her!
Her family loves her. She’s done so many great things. Look at the skills she’s learned!
She’s pretty, she’s nice, she’s polite! She’s a nice person, and cares about her friends!
So what’s wrong?
Why doesn’t she like herself? Why does she reject a perfect life?
I don’t know.
I just want a break from me.
I don’t want to think. I don’t want to remember.
Don’t look back. Don’t look forward. Just do. Just live.
I just wish I could fly away.
I wish I could get away from my life.
I don’t want my human body anymore. I wish I could be something else. Just for a bit, please.
It sounds silly out loud.
Small, useless.
But the only thing I want from my life anymore
Is to become Her.
A werewolf with wings.
Silly, right??
But I want her wings, the way she could bare her fangs at danger. The bristling fur to protect me.
Unburdened chest, breasts and emotional problems gone.
> Mossy/Bird No problemo !!
> Austen Thank you so much! It means a lot to me.
I understand that feeling, But please don't hurt yourself. Its never worth it in the end I know a way that somewhat blankets over those feelings :D, its to write about your future and whatcha wanna do when ya get there !! It can be really motivating n all that good stuff I hope you start feeling better, Bird, and just know that tons of people are here to help you up when you need it most ! If you ever need to chat, lmk and i'll be right with ya ^^
🅱️itch I just sat down and like a fucking forest just HAPPENS and like I’ve been staring at this for five minutes. Like?? Is this what comic artists do?? Fucking rad
One is desperately trying to be Vulture culture and like, alt but in a cottagecore way, with teeth and mushrooms and bird feathers and skulls, and starry eyed monsters in the forest. And the other is violently pink and pastel and trying to be kawaii, with stars and hearts and unicorns. And they’re both trying their damn hardest to be the perfect aesthetic
oh god I think its bad that I relate to this--
I want to ask your opinion on closed species, specifically CCats.
Would it be bad, and how bad, if I were to make an unofficial CCat??
I adore the species, but is it really bad if I make one??
Do something like it but add/remove different features to your liking. I mean, if you like their design but don't mind having something different.
if you make a copy you will be "hard-greylisted" from participating in the cccat group
> Squidkid64 I'm going to message you about the owl humans
idk if its stated but heres the rules https://www.deviantart.com/cccats/journal/CCCat-Rules-Edited-4-25-2020-677625093
Smiler baby. There is no good intention in it’s strange screen eyes
I want to animate a Photo ID animation me,e but don’t know which oc. Thinking something sassy and sexy that can either shapeshift or glow. Idk. Inspired by Ash’s poll!
> luzbian OMG YESSSSS HER her name’s Naïvety btw
I now have a DeviantArt account! Look for me as “Lichenthropic”. Since I have this account, I’m going to start distancing from MediBang. I won’t leave completely, but I won’t be posting here as much.
Link: https://www.deviantart.com/lichenthropic
If you want me to follow you, put your DeviantArt link below!
YEEEEE I have a DA too (still has my usual username)
im https://www.deviantart.com/glue--eater ! ^^
Congrats! I would follow you but I don't have deviantart yet
Some silly doodles of Nyx. New art style inspired by Fishcrow!
> Smoking Yep! That’s so cool!
and now I have been inspired by this I find it really interesting how others impact our own style.
Theoretically… if I was to open an Etsy shop to sell cute amigurumi (crochet plushies), would you guys buy some, and what animals are you interested in buying?? So far I do little bats and frogs, but I can easily do others!
I think they would be amazing and great to sell but I probably can't any If you made custom ones then those would probably sell even faster
> Night Eek! Thank you so much!! Apparently tiny forg is the winner! Everyone loves forg! I will have to get started soon! Thanks’
I would totally buy a cute lil froggy from you! And you’re really talented- you could probably even do commisions
I WOULD ABSOLUTELY BUY SOME- (idk about the shipping tho bc i live in lithuania BUT STILL)
Precious soft baby. I swear I was just gonna doodle but here I am with a full reference so oops
I just went apeshit with the strawberry aesthetic
Edgy go brrrrrr
the best one imo
WE LIVE AND DIE IN A VULTURE CULTURE (love wingedwolf's animation!)
Can someone please tell me what the sugar covered fuck this is because my eyeballs see yet I am still blind to the explanation of this
Lmao. This is beautifully cursed
What kind of crack were they on???????? No I'm genuinely confused, they were obviously on drugs
I’m gonna write something so self indulgent , positively OOZING my entire cozy fantasy, make my ocs make out and cuddle, then make soup in their little cottage then maybe get married and then adopt a little purple platypus
yes please
> Gloom 🍂 Fursuit shenanigans and being cold :)
> Mossy/Bea That's nice to hear What have you been up to lately?
> Gloom 🕷 Hey ash!! I have been swell :)
Omg hi mossy! How've you been?