Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Chapter 13 : Away
Calcite sat weeping in the back of her cell, her cries echoing through the chamber. She was startled when she heard footsteps, then banging outside of the bars, she didn't dare turn around.

"Get up," a voice commanded her. She didn't move. "Mmph." The voice grunted and she heard the bars shift, the footsteps drawing closer.

She felt a jab of pain as the dragon kicked her side, Calcite slowly stood up, wobbling. The dragon, presumably a guard, shoved her out of the cell and held her taught by a rope. Calcite felt like she was going to die for her crime.

They entered anither seperate room, it was empty except for one single seat in the center. The walls were tall and elegant, an even slate color all around. Light shone through a large window from above. The guard thrust her into the room and several dragons had pushed a stone in the place of the doorway. It ensured there was no escape.

"So," Calcite heard a familiar voice say. "Betraying your nation?"

Calcite stared at the floor. It was abnormaly quiet.

"Peak had told me about you," the dragoness stood up and started pacing Calcite. Was this interrogation? Calcite still didn't speak. "It's funny to see your own blood betray you like that, huh?" She said in a sinister way.

"But of course, you didn't seem to care when you betrayed us," Celcius spat.

"Well?" Celcius raised her voice. "What are you going to do? Just sit there you coward." She hissed.

Calcite bit her lip, not wanting to make the Queen any more mad than she already was. She wanted to tell her how this wasn't right. She wanted to say how all of this was wrong. She wanted to show Celcius that Air Dragons and Ice Dragons could get along.

"You decided to choose those little pests over us?" Celcius said lifting her head, still pacing in circles. "They're only greedy featherbrains who'd choose gold over family," Celcius boomed.

"No, you're wrong," Calcite said defiantly. "I've seen with my own eyes that we can get along. Not ALL Air Dragons are like that," Calcite stood up.

"Hah! Really?" Celcius bent her head down toward Calcite, giving a grin.

"If you love them so much why don't you join them?" Celcius grinned a devilishly. She dashed to gnab Calcite and Calcite dove out of the way.

"Get back here you little-" Celcius said irritably.

Calcite knew why Celcius wanted her in here, she wanted her alone in this room so she'd have the joy of killing her.

Celcius hissed, swiping her tail at Calcite, this room was awfully small. Celcius roared and shot an unforgiving ice blast at Calcite, it clipped the left side of her tail. It stung like a frostbite. Calcite was suddenly grabbed by her left wing, dragged toward the center of the room when Celcius was. Calcite needed a way out, and NOW.

"You're a pesky little creature you," Celcius said pinning Calcite to the ground, she held her claws up, the light from outside pouring over her scales. "You'll be seeing all of your friends now." She slashed her talons down, but before they could touch Calcite she was blinded.

"AGH-" Celcius held her head. "GUARDS." She screeched.

Calcite looked at the door, the stone was slowly moving. The only other way out was-

"THERE SHE IS! GET HER!" A guard hollered.

Calcite quickly flared her wings, painfully floating into the air, her flaps were wobbly and uncoordinated, she hit the wall a few times before latching her claws onto the window.

"THE PRISONER IS ESCAPING!" Another guard hollered.

Calcite pulled herself up, squeazing through the window, her chest was a little too big-

"GOT IT." More voices said. Calcite's leg was being tugged on. Her wings had made it outside and she pushed her way into the snowy tundra, she saw guards try to fit themselves through the hole but ended being stuck. It was snowing a light flurry, the snow was relentless here.

"WAIT-" She heard another voice scream. She knew that voice too.

She collapsed onto the ground, regaining her to her feet and treading on foot instead, her wings ached. The voice came from nearby-

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" It called out again.

Two guards stayed outside next to three guillotines, on the far right held Storm.

"I can't- I.." Storm struggled. His scales were so pale..she hated seeing him so cold.

"Man do you guys ever shut up?" An Ice Dragon complained at the three prisoners.

Storm looked up from his spot, his eyes widened. "Once again-" Storm started.

"Huh? What are you goin' on about?" The other Ice Dragon said, making a circular motion around his head toward his collague.

"We're sorry," Storm grinned meakly.

"Maybe he had the feather flu too," the first guard nudged his friend, chuckling. His laughter was cut short when Calcite stuck him to the ground, his mouth stayed frozen partially open, as if he was mid laughter.

"What the hail," the second Ice Dragon said whipping his head around. Calcite had frozen one leg, and he continued twisting and turning until he was eventually tangled.

"I'm not sorry," Calcite hissed and the last thing that guard saw as Calcite's ice blast.

"Storm!" Calcite ran over to Storm, freezing the wood until it snapped.

"Calcite," Storm took Calcite and embraced her, his large wings wrapped around her. "Thank the heavens." Storm's scales felt so cold..

Calcite heard another dragon behind Storm cough, and she ran over to help her as well, her nose had been horridly beaten and her right eye was in bad shape. They wrenched the dragon free.

"Thank you.." she said weakly. "But I'm mot leaving.."

"What d-do you mean?" Storm shivered.

The Air Dragon shook her head slowly.

"I don't want to.." she said without emotion, almost like she was tired.

"Don't want to what?" Calcite tried helping her to stand.

"I don't want to live.." the Air Dragon shuddered and coughed again. "I don't want to live." She repeated. Calcite glanced at the last dragon on the left, he was already gone..

Storm tapped Calcite's arm, still trembling. He looked in the opposite direction, voices yelled and wingbeats could be heard just a few hundred yards away. Calcite gazed mournfully at the weakened Air Dragon on the ground, then ran off with Storm into the forest. They both ran and never looked back.

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