イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Ebony and Ivory’s World (the Book)
The World: There are three main species, five realms; and a special type of ruler-system that consists not of princes and princesses, but of heirs and heiresses.
- 1. The three main species: Griffins, Faeries, and Capraborns. Griffins are based on every little detail of Griffin mythology I could find. They, to my creative license, however, have differences from the mythology as well. For example, if you know werewolves, specifically how they turn from one form to the next every full moon, Griffins are similar. However, Griffins’s main forms are of the mytholgical griffins (half eagle, half lion), their secondary form is human. They can interchange between these forms at will. They are the most powerful, scientific, logical, and knowledgeable of the species. Their secret? While, wings are for flying, after all, so why not fly into our world, earth, to steal our knowledge? This race then keeps that knowledge to themselves, viewing the two other races as unworthy of the knowledge, and isolate themselves, living in high mountains and elevations. They are heavily connected to sun, warmth, heat, flame, and fire, as while as wind/air.
- Now, the next race, those are the Faeries. However, don’t mistake them for fairies. No, they aren’t cheerful, nor always kind, nor are they good with children. They are grumpy, mischievous, and are associated with cold, and water. In fact, consider them more like sirens, rather than our ‘fairies’. However, make no mistake, Faeries are very magical, but they don’t use their magic for more than pranks. This race is very introverted, and secretive, preferring watery places. The third, final, and most race are the capraborns. This race is not of mythology. No. They are very similar to us humans, except, while, animalistic. You see, they are carriers of goat blood. Because of this, they have goat ears, horns, tails, and temperaments. They are very happy and joyful, but easily frightened. They are very playful, but work very hard with the earth. They are associated with the earth. They are the most extroverted of the races, and find it a shame the other two races don’t want to come out and play with them. Now
- 2. The Five Realms consist of the following. Realm of Coppery Blood (associated with medicine, life, and yeah; war too, mainly inhabited by capras), Realm Of Mind’s Pen (associated with knowledge and creativity, inhabited by the rare Griffins who shared their knowledge and the capras who learned much from them), Realm Of an Iron Will (associated with strength and machines and building stuff, inhabited by Griffins), Realm Of Drowning Dreams (associated with water, ice, inhabited by Faeries), Realm Of a Fiery Future (associated with warmth, heat, ambition, inhabited by Griffins only, it being their main lands). Now
- Now. 3. Religions. The Griffins believe in Omister Nes Eve (god of evening, knowledge, and warmth), the Capras believe in Omister Nes Morn (goddess of morning, hardworking, and nature) and the Faeries believe in Omister Nes Noon (goddess of noon, mischief, and death). These three are all included and interact with each other a couple times. Now
- 4. The Heirs/Heiresses: instead of princes and princesses, or kings and queens; there usually is one king or queen over all the five realms. The order of the system is that, as mentioned before, there are five realms each with their own ruling family set up. They each have a family that will either birth or adopt one child to be their descendent. (It doesn’t matter is it’s a boy or girl, the family name will forever belong, even if one realm’s heiress marries, her husband will take her last name.) This descendant will be listed as the the realm’s Heir/Heiress of Disaster. Each realm has a single heir. However, there needs to be a queen or king of all realms, and every twenty/-five years a system is run and the five heirs wait with anticipation, over who will be titled “Queen/King Of Stars.” This former heir will give the duties of their realm to someone else and have bigger duties. They will then become the new Queen/King Of Stars.
The Five Heirs of The Current Generation in Book:
The Heir “Will” Of an Iron Will (HO/IW) , The Heir Henyo Of Mind’s Pen (HO/MP), Heiress “Brindi” Of Coppery Blood (HO/CB), Heiress Argenti Of A Fiery Future (HO/FF), Hair Rauben (changes his name to Sanguis) Of Drowning Dreams (HO/DD).
HO/IW and HO/MP are particularly close, best friends, ran off away from their frustrating/idiotic realms to take a vacation together. They mostly keep to each other, but do get along pretty while with HO/CB. HO/CB gets along well w/ everyone. HO/FF does not get along while with everyone at first, and HO/FF and HO/DD, who grew up almost like siblings to each other, do not get along well at all. HO/DD gets along well w/ HO/IW, but not HO/MP. However, they don’t have a choice to act out on those any of them don’t like, and must work together.
