插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

I made a story and its a wip.
That Guy From Detention - By me
"I want to go home. I want to go home. Let me out of this classroom and let me slee–" I thought whilst staring into the abyss trying not to sleep in the midst of mathematics.
I got cut off when I heard a ridiculously loud bang on my desk. "Eden Greenwood! Are you paying attention?!" Mrs. Annoying teacher yelled. Of course I wasn't. Math sucks. We weren't even learning anything practical.
"Y-yes, Mrs. Lawrence. I was paying attention.", I lied. "Reeeaaally?" she said while snapping her fingers. I never understood her attitude. She always had that signature snap and sassy attitude towards all students. I reeeaaally just don't get it. Let me stare at the window and think about waffles in peace, please. "If you were really paying attention, what's X?".

"Uhm… uh… 3-3,462?" I stammered out nervously, hoping it was at least close. I knew it wasn't going to be right since I'm extremely bad at math. Crossing my fingers, I was praying that she would cut me some slack.
The whole class stared at me, snickering and trying not to laugh. "It's 42. Detention after school.".
WHAT?! I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING! I WAS JUST PEACEFULLY MINDING MY BUSINESS! Now I had to go to the revolting detention room and be cooped up with disgusting Principal George eyeing everyone with no AC as well. I even had plans to go to my best friend, Melanie's house after school. The bell rang right after that. I reluctantly walked my way over to the room with the sign saying "Detention" in bold at the top of the door.

I entered the room and sat down on a bright blue chair. A boy with a baseball cap and oversized T-shirt glanced at me. "First time?", He said. "Y-y-yeah? H-how'd you know?" The boy chuckled. "I come here, like, all the time and I've never seen you around." he replied as he smiled. "I'm Damian. Nice to meet you."
"Eden." I replied happily. We got shushed by Principal George after talking for a good 5 minutes. However, those 5 minutes really made my detention. Damian and I agreed to sit together at lunch on the next day. A great start to a new friendship, I believe.

I met a great friend from my, like,100th detention. Her name was Eden and she was really nice.

Its a dual pov and thats it
Im thinking of adding more
What do you think?
