일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Okay so I’m just gonna say that my school has terrible administration and is kinda bad in general. I am not doing this for attention. I am just fed up with this shit. If you don’t want something long to read then I understand. You can stop yourself now.

Okay so first the staff are terrible. There are a few good people tho but most of them suck. For instance my friend was trying to show something to her girlfriend and they were barely even touching. However because of this rule that states no touching allowed, you can’t do anything close to it. So someone comes up and starts yelling at them even though they were just sitting next to each other. It’s crazy. I’ve seen people get in trouble for hugging, holding hands, and all sorts of stuff. Once these people were hugging their friend cause she was crying and they got in a bit of trouble. After that they took the one who was crying to the councilor and let me just say, they are terrible. They don’t help you with anything and when you ask them a question they’ll just answer it with another question that might not even be related to your question. Once my friend’s friend went to the councilor because she had an abusive father and they were cutting. The councilor thought it would be best to call the father and send her home to the abusive father! Luckily that councilor is gone but still. Another thing is the nurse. If you don’t have a fever then apparently there is nothing wrong with you. And even then then hey only let you lay down for five minutes. When I went there because of this really bad period cramp, I told them my stomach hurt and they just said “go to the bathroom”. I tried explaining that that wasn’t the problem but she wouldn’t listen. What good is a nurse when all she does is tell you to do things that the teacher could easily do?
That’s it for now. If you read through this entire thing thanks. This was probably a huge waste of time.

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