Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Chapter 1- Frostbite’s Backstory
“Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother!” North called pouncing in the snow.
Frostbite continued cutting up the polar bear she caught earlier, attempting to ignore the dragonet.
“Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother!”
His calls rang through her ears as she tried to ignore him. ‘Can’t you just wait?’ She thought.
“MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER!” His calls, quickly escalating in volume, continued booming through her head, causing her to make a wrong cut. It’s almost as if he was perusing to be annoying. ‘Is it his life goal’ she growled to herself.
“THREE MOONS WHAT DO YOU WANT!!” Frostbite snapped, quickly turning around and beating her teeth at the intimidated Icewing behind her. North stopped bouncing and dipped his head. He looked up, his silver eyes reflecting guiltiness and shame. ‘Argh why do you have to look like this when I’m trying to be mad at you! Icewings aren’t supposed to be like this’ She thought, struggling to keep a frown.
“Okay fine I’m sorry. Just stop looking at me like that. That’s not how Icewings are supposed to look,” Frostbite sighed, giving in to North’s guiltiness.
North beamed at his mother’s apology and then held up a rodent in his talons. “LOOK WHAT I CAUGHT!!” He smiled, “Bet a puny Nightwing couldn’t catch this! All they do is sit around and eat mangoes and the occasional sloth in the rainforest”
“Don’t underestimate them. We may be superior but those deceiving ugly creatures will lie their way out of almost anything,” she replied.
“They won’t lie their way out of my formidable claws!”
“We’ll see,”
Frostbite looked up at the sky while North trampled the snow that brushed against his underbelly. She turned her head to see North cooing to a baby polar bear about four outstretched wings away.
A roar echoed through the tundra as a bear with mottled white fur galloped furiously towards North and her child. North however continued playing with the small bear, unaware of the danger running towards him.
“NORTH GET OVER HERE NOW!!” Frostbite roared. North ignored her, while the bear kept getting closer. ‘What is wrong with this dragon! If he is ever going to be able to fight an army of deceiving Nightwings, then he shouldn’t be this stupid!’
“NOOOORRRTTHHH!!! THREE MOONS STOP PLAYING WITH THAT STUPID BEAR!!!!!!” Frostbite roared as she crashed in between North and the bears. The bear skidded to a stop, panting and giving an almost worried look at the cub. Frostbite grabbed her child with her maw and growled ferociously at the bear and her cub.
“Mooottthhheeeerrrr!! Stop over reacting it’s just a bear!!!” North whined, “What’s that little thing gonna do to me? Nibble at my talons?”
“That bear can still bite through your scales! AND EVEN THEN you can’t waste your time playing with bears until you can single handedly defeat five Nightwings at once!” Frostbite replied through her hold on North.
“Whatever. I’m an Icewing! I can defeat that puny thing AND five Nightwings RIGHT NOW!” North scoffed, “YOU should be worried about the bear! Not me!!”
“Don’t talk to me like that!” She hissed, throwing him into the snow.
“Hheeeyyyy What was that for!!” North spat.
“For your mouth.”
“Did you hear the part on how I’m an ICEWING!!! YOU HEARD THAT RRRIIIGGGHHHTTT!!!”
“I’m an Icewing too. In fact I’m your Icewing mother!”
“Three moons!” North growled, still laying in the snow.
“Don’t ‘three moons’ me!” She snarled pushing her child deeper into the snow. Frostbite hissed at North before walking away and back to their small hut. ‘You raise a child to be able to do things no other tribe could do and this is how they treat you’ She thought as she curled up inside.
A few minutes later, a small snout nuzzled her side, asking for forgiveness. Frostbite opened her eyes a little to see North sleepily attempting to lift her arm. Frostbite lifted it and North crawled up to her side and snuggled into her stomach.
No matter how much he cried for independence, she knew he’d always need her. A soft hum brushed against her ears while North’s heartbeat was slowing down. He finally gave in and fell asleep. Frostbite brushed her talons across his face. ‘And I thought raising dragonets was easy.’
Yey finally! Also here’s North

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