일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Media Design 10-12
Lol I don’t know why I’m writing this but like
Read if u want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So… in my province our 8 classes are split down the middle this year! A couple days ago I switched terms, to which now I have my elective, Media Design. What I didn’t know was that the class was from grades 10-12, so now I’m with gr 12s, woooot
Anywho, we’re using Photoshop for our unit of Pixel art l- and DAMN that program is h a r d. Like it took me forever to find the eraser- plus it’s just nothing like Medi holy crap that thing is complicated. Our assignment was to draw three circles (in 8-bit or 16-bit was our choice) and have them increase in details blah blah blah. We had an hour and a half and the basically the whole class is into the next project which is legit to draw a Pokémon wth, AND IM STILL ON THE SECOND CORCLE BRBRB anywasy that’s not very exciting but WE HAVE TO USE MOUSES KILL ME actually it’s not as bad as I thought it would be but I’m still comprehending it.
AND THEN MY SCIENCE TEACHER- MY LAST BLOCK hes so freakin terrifying he interrogates the kids who come in after the bell to no extent- and he picks on random people. AND during his lectures he’ll randomly YELL words to wake people up-
“So as you all the the FORMULA for distance is speed multiplied by TIME-”
Ohmygod and the man was telling us to come in before first period to get extra help, and he said he ‘might even smile’- and gave us the smallest and first smile he’s given us. I CANT TELL IF HES JOKING HOLY CRAP. Nobody laughed anyways, hes downright terrifying.

Anyways thanks to those who took the time to read u didn’t have to

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