插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

continued="contest entry for gethsemane"
the two characters in the drawing are drake the big Ignea Bruta (Latin for fiery brute)(he/him) and the smaller parsley who is a Terra Bestia (Latin for land beast)(she/her). there are two others whom I didn't show are the androgynous Caelum Avis(sky bird, but since Latin doesn't have a word for 'sky', it really means heaven bird :3) by the name starlight and the Oceanicus Spiritus (oceanic spirit) with an undecided name (she/her).
I will be posting a character base for all four subspecies (they are of the entire species called Elementrum Monstra or element monsters kinda like an ape and a lemur are both subspecies of monkeys) so that you may create your own and maybe I will cameo yours in the story of these four creatures. of course, I will ask permission before I do so that way there is no argument of 'you copied my character' or 'you stole my design' and if I do by accident I am very sorry I don't intend to use designs unless I have permission from the OG creator or I did it by accident not knowing it was already taken. I will post all bases separately so they may have descriptions of that specific one including some history on them, most personality traits (not to restrict just to clarify that's what they are mostly seen as), what certain symbols on them will mean, and why, and finally what deadly sin they have. yes, these creatures do have specific deadly sins attached to most of them such as the Terra Bestia are peaceful beings and only have the deadly sin envy/jealousy which is put towards the Caelum Avis due to them having wings that can save so much time when it comes to trading food. (they are all vegetarians or get food from things other than meat and the only fruit and vegies grown are kept nice by the Terra)
there is my big update on what's happening/ going to happen and I most likely won't post the bases today but I might so IDK.
