[【In order to get what I needed, I broke down my own concepts and re-integrated them.】(※It looks like a rough sketch, but I consciously changed the way I drew it.)]
絵の技法では無く、【自身の精神面の改良】なので【何かとやや危ない事】してます。(意識改革)[It's not a technical problem with painting, 【it's a mental modification】. 【So I'm doing something a little dangerous】.](consciousness reform)
<以下のリスクがあるので詳細は書きません(I will not write details due to the following risks.)>
※確実的な目的を持たない場合は、自身を崩壊させる恐れがあります。[If you don't have a clear purpose, you risk destroying yourself.]
※『過度な疲労を感じる』『以前と同じ絵が描けなくなる』場合がある。推奨はしません。[There is a possibility of “feeling excessive fatigue'' or “not being able to draw the same picture as before.'' Therefore, I do not recommend.]
[【In order to get what I needed, I broke down my own concepts and re-integrated them.】(※It looks like a rough sketch, but I consciously changed the way I drew it.)]
絵の技法では無く、【自身の精神面の改良】なので【何かとやや危ない事】してます。(意識改革)[It's not a technical problem with painting, 【it's a mental modification】. 【So I'm doing something a little dangerous】.](consciousness reform)
<以下のリスクがあるので詳細は書きません(I will not write details due to the following risks.)>
※確実的な目的を持たない場合は、自身を崩壊させる恐れがあります。[If you don't have a clear purpose, you risk destroying yourself.]
※『過度な疲労を感じる』『以前と同じ絵が描けなくなる』場合がある。推奨はしません。[There is a possibility of “feeling excessive fatigue'' or “not being able to draw the same picture as before.'' Therefore, I do not recommend.]