MediBang ID: -

Inactive, find me on Insta: @galactic_flow_draws
"Hey Jamie, over here," a voice calls Jamie over to a tree.
It's a calm day outside, puffy clouds float in the skies, a slight breeze blows by, and the air reaches that sweet spot of a cool spring day. School just released and it's finally Spring Break for Ridgewood High.
People swarm the campus, spreading out from the two sets of four doors like little ants. Jamie has a bookblag slung around one of his shoulders, a plain green tee, and rich dark hair that glimmered in sunlight.
"Hey," Jamie wanders over to a tree where his friends are.
Two boys sit just outside the tree's shadow, another seems to be laying face-first in the grass while the last hangs upside down from a branch on the small oak.
"So y'know what I hear," the boy hanging upside down says. Jamie dumps his bag on the grass, finding a spot by the trunk to sit. "I hear Crusty Lake's homecoming is next Friday."
"Why, are you going to it, Max?" One of the boys in the grass looks up at the pale boy.
Max wears a deep pine colored hoodie that slugs over his shoulders as he's upside down. His deep brown hair falls over his eyes as he lifts himself back to sit upright instead. His ears are slanted upward to a crisp point and his right ear holds a piercing.
"No, gross," Max shakes his head and grins a little, his eyes are a dark, attractive maroon when he looks back down. "I hear we're versing them."
"Why would Max ever go to a Crystal Lake dance," the same boy chatters, "hey Jamie, don't you go to those every year?"
Jamie pauses, trying to hold his blush.
"Leave him alone Matt," the boy sitting next to him adds. He has a tan skintone with green freckles covering his body. His hair looks gelled back and his eyes are a bright emrald. "Are you going again this year?"
"Yeah, with Juniper.." Colten mocks, hovering just by Jamie.
"Yeah, what about it?" Jamie crossed his arms under the tree, giving a distasteful stare. Matt raises an eyebrow under his tattered, blue-tinted hair. He wears a yellow noodie filled with ripped holes and jeans that hang over his shoes.
Jamie liked his friends but he hated when they did this. Colten knocked Jamie's side, winking at him. Colten was always the one to get on his nerves, which hopefully he could control right now. He and Maxwell were always the troublemakers, and usually the first one's he'd probably punch.
Max was the "pretty boy" of the group, always the ladies man. The girls always fell for his eyes, guess it was kind of a natural thing for a vampire. He was the only vampire ever admitted into a public school, when the multidimensional cleave happened vampires became as real as demons. He should know, when demons were also admitted panic spread like wildfire.
Matthew was more quiet, but Max's rugged personality rubbed off on him. He was a werewolf shapeshifter but it was so odd for a vampire and a werewolf to get along so well. Matthew was one of the 7 sons next in line for Riddenvale, the werewolf Kingdom. He was the middle son, everyone usually forgot about him. But at Ridgewood, he was known for being friends with the only vampire.
Next to Matthew was Connor, sitting cross-legged in the grass. He was the son of the Spiderbites, Slime and Penelope. Connor was more of a laidback and chill type with people, but more likely to break loose and live a little on his own. Jamie saw him as the mature one of the group, I mean compared to Colten he was wayyyy more mature.
"I always hear you guys talk about Juniper, but I haven't seen her yet," Maxwell remarks. "She that cute for you to go Crystal Lake?"
"Shut up Max," Conner takes a clump of grass and dirt to fling it at him.
"Well I have a point right?" Max shrugs swinging back upside down on his branch, when he opens his eyes he finds Jamie glaring him in the eyes.
"You say anything about her, I'll personally deliver you to hell myself when I kill you," Jamie's hair spirals in thin whisps of fire. His eyes begin to glow a faint yellow until he feels someone yank his arm.
"Yo, James, I'm kidding alright," Max clumsily fixes himself, floating into the air to avoid him. "Don't go all demon on me again."
When Jamie whips around he finds Connor gripping his lower arm. Jamie jerks his arm back to his side as his hair flutters back down over his head. It cascades from a orange to a desaturated red, then finally shifts back to his rich black hair.
"If you care so much why aren't you with her yet?" Matthew pipes up tilting his head. "It's Sophomore year, so basically four years since you've gone to every Crystal Lake dance."
"Aghh, look I don't know, okay?" Jamie crosses his arms, giving off agitated vibes, walking next to the tree to lean on it. "I just never thought of her that way. Besides, I'm a literal demon. I'm nothing like her."
"Okaaayyyy, sure," Colten sidles up next to Jamie. "But you're always so protective and stuff that you kinda seem like you do."
"Do you know what she thinks of you though?" Connor came up to Jamie, holding him by the shoulder. "Like, any info from Diane?"
"Yeah, your sister and her are like best friends right?" Max came back down to a soft landing back under the tree. The sunlight annoyed his eyes.
"I don't know, I wish I knew sometimes," Jamie donked his head against the tree, scraggling his hair and horns along the bark.
"But it's your fourth dance together, isn't it?" Diane shuffles through different clothes in her closet, picking out an outfit for the next day.
"Yeah but, I don't think I feel the same anymore," Juniper holds her head in a confused, tired way. Her hair is fallen below her shoulders and her sea blue eyes look weary.
"It's Sophomore year Juni, shouldn't it feel normal when you're together now?" Diane bites her lip, picking out a laced black shirt to set it aside.
"No, no," Juniper swivels around in the chair she's sitting in to face Diane. "I mean I still 'admire' him I guess, but. . ." Juniper trails her words.
"Maybe I could explore new people y'know? I've had this stupid crush since 7th grade. Besides, I'm just a human, I'm nothing special," Juniper takes her hair and tucks a strand behind her ear.
"Okay if you weren't special then I guess I'd have less anger issues, but we both know that's never going to be reality," Diane laughed, tossing a pair of cargo pants onto her bed. "But if that's the case then what about your Homecoming his year?"
"I'm still going with him, it's like tradition now," Juniper glances toward the floor with a soft smile. "He makes my homecoming worth it."
"Gosh, you two are so clueless," Diane mutters under her breath, shaking her head slowly while cracking a smirk.
"What?" Juniper looks up from her chair.
"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering what shoes I should wear tomorrow, c'mere and help me choose," Diane quickly whips around with fpue pairs of boots.
Juniper rolls her eyes, stepping off the chair and next to the closet. Sometimes, she wished she knew how he felt.
It's a calm day outside, puffy clouds float in the skies, a slight breeze blows by, and the air reaches that sweet spot of a cool spring day. School just released and it's finally Spring Break for Ridgewood High.
People swarm the campus, spreading out from the two sets of four doors like little ants. Jamie has a bookblag slung around one of his shoulders, a plain green tee, and rich dark hair that glimmered in sunlight.
"Hey," Jamie wanders over to a tree where his friends are.
Two boys sit just outside the tree's shadow, another seems to be laying face-first in the grass while the last hangs upside down from a branch on the small oak.
"So y'know what I hear," the boy hanging upside down says. Jamie dumps his bag on the grass, finding a spot by the trunk to sit. "I hear Crusty Lake's homecoming is next Friday."
"Why, are you going to it, Max?" One of the boys in the grass looks up at the pale boy.
Max wears a deep pine colored hoodie that slugs over his shoulders as he's upside down. His deep brown hair falls over his eyes as he lifts himself back to sit upright instead. His ears are slanted upward to a crisp point and his right ear holds a piercing.
"No, gross," Max shakes his head and grins a little, his eyes are a dark, attractive maroon when he looks back down. "I hear we're versing them."
"Why would Max ever go to a Crystal Lake dance," the same boy chatters, "hey Jamie, don't you go to those every year?"
Jamie pauses, trying to hold his blush.
"Leave him alone Matt," the boy sitting next to him adds. He has a tan skintone with green freckles covering his body. His hair looks gelled back and his eyes are a bright emrald. "Are you going again this year?"
"Yeah, with Juniper.." Colten mocks, hovering just by Jamie.
"Yeah, what about it?" Jamie crossed his arms under the tree, giving a distasteful stare. Matt raises an eyebrow under his tattered, blue-tinted hair. He wears a yellow noodie filled with ripped holes and jeans that hang over his shoes.
Jamie liked his friends but he hated when they did this. Colten knocked Jamie's side, winking at him. Colten was always the one to get on his nerves, which hopefully he could control right now. He and Maxwell were always the troublemakers, and usually the first one's he'd probably punch.
Max was the "pretty boy" of the group, always the ladies man. The girls always fell for his eyes, guess it was kind of a natural thing for a vampire. He was the only vampire ever admitted into a public school, when the multidimensional cleave happened vampires became as real as demons. He should know, when demons were also admitted panic spread like wildfire.
Matthew was more quiet, but Max's rugged personality rubbed off on him. He was a werewolf shapeshifter but it was so odd for a vampire and a werewolf to get along so well. Matthew was one of the 7 sons next in line for Riddenvale, the werewolf Kingdom. He was the middle son, everyone usually forgot about him. But at Ridgewood, he was known for being friends with the only vampire.
Next to Matthew was Connor, sitting cross-legged in the grass. He was the son of the Spiderbites, Slime and Penelope. Connor was more of a laidback and chill type with people, but more likely to break loose and live a little on his own. Jamie saw him as the mature one of the group, I mean compared to Colten he was wayyyy more mature.
"I always hear you guys talk about Juniper, but I haven't seen her yet," Maxwell remarks. "She that cute for you to go Crystal Lake?"
"Shut up Max," Conner takes a clump of grass and dirt to fling it at him.
"Well I have a point right?" Max shrugs swinging back upside down on his branch, when he opens his eyes he finds Jamie glaring him in the eyes.
"You say anything about her, I'll personally deliver you to hell myself when I kill you," Jamie's hair spirals in thin whisps of fire. His eyes begin to glow a faint yellow until he feels someone yank his arm.
"Yo, James, I'm kidding alright," Max clumsily fixes himself, floating into the air to avoid him. "Don't go all demon on me again."
When Jamie whips around he finds Connor gripping his lower arm. Jamie jerks his arm back to his side as his hair flutters back down over his head. It cascades from a orange to a desaturated red, then finally shifts back to his rich black hair.
"If you care so much why aren't you with her yet?" Matthew pipes up tilting his head. "It's Sophomore year, so basically four years since you've gone to every Crystal Lake dance."
"Aghh, look I don't know, okay?" Jamie crosses his arms, giving off agitated vibes, walking next to the tree to lean on it. "I just never thought of her that way. Besides, I'm a literal demon. I'm nothing like her."
"Okaaayyyy, sure," Colten sidles up next to Jamie. "But you're always so protective and stuff that you kinda seem like you do."
"Do you know what she thinks of you though?" Connor came up to Jamie, holding him by the shoulder. "Like, any info from Diane?"
"Yeah, your sister and her are like best friends right?" Max came back down to a soft landing back under the tree. The sunlight annoyed his eyes.
"I don't know, I wish I knew sometimes," Jamie donked his head against the tree, scraggling his hair and horns along the bark.
"But it's your fourth dance together, isn't it?" Diane shuffles through different clothes in her closet, picking out an outfit for the next day.
"Yeah but, I don't think I feel the same anymore," Juniper holds her head in a confused, tired way. Her hair is fallen below her shoulders and her sea blue eyes look weary.
"It's Sophomore year Juni, shouldn't it feel normal when you're together now?" Diane bites her lip, picking out a laced black shirt to set it aside.
"No, no," Juniper swivels around in the chair she's sitting in to face Diane. "I mean I still 'admire' him I guess, but. . ." Juniper trails her words.
"Maybe I could explore new people y'know? I've had this stupid crush since 7th grade. Besides, I'm just a human, I'm nothing special," Juniper takes her hair and tucks a strand behind her ear.
"Okay if you weren't special then I guess I'd have less anger issues, but we both know that's never going to be reality," Diane laughed, tossing a pair of cargo pants onto her bed. "But if that's the case then what about your Homecoming his year?"
"I'm still going with him, it's like tradition now," Juniper glances toward the floor with a soft smile. "He makes my homecoming worth it."
"Gosh, you two are so clueless," Diane mutters under her breath, shaking her head slowly while cracking a smirk.
"What?" Juniper looks up from her chair.
"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering what shoes I should wear tomorrow, c'mere and help me choose," Diane quickly whips around with fpue pairs of boots.
Juniper rolls her eyes, stepping off the chair and next to the closet. Sometimes, she wished she knew how he felt.
MediBang ID: -

Inactive, find me on Insta: @galactic_flow_draws
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