Who Do You Like More? L or Light?!
I was just watching Death Note (not Netflix version) a couple weeks ago and I just thought the ending was beautiful (well I skipped like 15 eps but I'm gonna go back lol). So, I wanted to do a poll on who people would like more :! L or Light
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Personally, sorry to some people, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Light. Honestly I was pretty surprised because I thought I would like L more. (It's probably because he's hot T-T darn I always fall for the bishounens.)
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Personally, sorry to some people, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Light. Honestly I was pretty surprised because I thought I would like L more. (It's probably because he's hot T-T darn I always fall for the bishounens.)