插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

Chapter Six : Turmoil
    ~A Few Weeks Later~

    "Shut up." Dove lightly pushed Storm's side.

    "I'm just saying, shorter hair would be a good look," Storm shrugged.

    "No." Dove laughed.

    Storm had been talking to Dove ever since that day.  Everything had been pretty much the same until now. Igneous had taken a pretty hard hit. Two more dragons had died during the past weeks, it was all unsettling to Storm. He barely knew Flora, but she was already gone. The group had been devastated, and even held a day to remember her. Yet the school did nothing. He hadn't even been able to place the pieces together, nothing made sense anymore. Today classes were dismissed for the weekend, which meant free time for the group. Storm and Dove sat chatting at a lunch table in the food court.

    "What's the plan for this weekend?" Storm asked Dove. "There's this cool resort near the Sea Kingdom. I bet we'd get a lot of shells."

    "Sorry Storm. I gotta visit my cousins this weekend. Family reunions y'know." Dove shrugged.

    "I haven't visited my mother in a while, I could visit her next week," Storm thought aloud. "Wow, its a week away before a full month that I've been here.

   "Heya, how ya doin'," Delta slid into an empty seat. "Did you guys see the new menu item? Roasted bunnies, mmmm. I never thought I'd be into anything else besides seafood."

    "Lies. Trust me. He's eaten more than just seafood," TidalWave came up to Delta's side.

    "Oh hey, a lunch date. Cute. Lemme just butt in real quick," Lilac scooted next to Dove.

    Storm sighed and facepalmed himself, but it did make him happy just to speak to his new group. Life here was going fine, could be better though. Storm glanced across the court and spotted TimberWing and Peak still ordering their meals, Calcite wasn't here, she was off with Polarmist.

    "Where's Igneous?" Storm asked.

    "He's back at your canopy," Lilac said, twiddling with a small twig. "He doesn't like to really do anything anymore.." Lilac said solemnly. The table went quiet.

    "We need to do something, all of this is insane," Storm said intently.

   "Yea, this camp is real broken," Lilac said.

    "I've been trying to figure things out, but the dragons that were all killed have absolutely no connection," Storm said straining his head. "They're all different, so it's no breed. Gender isn't an issue. They're all different years, guhh," Storm said with discourage.

    "Well, they were all killed the same way. They were all strangled," TidalWave added in.

    "But why strangled and not anything else?" Dove asked.

    "Because it's gross to stab," Lilac shuddered.

    "Less noticable?" Delta said, rubbing his head.

    "Well if you try to stab someone won't they just scream. I mean, I would." Lilac pointed out.

    "So they wanted a quick silent kill? See even when we start a chain of evidence it ends. Something is missing." Storm said.

    "Hey, we finally made it," TimberWing arrived with Peak and a tray of food for everyone. Everyone looked over at them with solemn faces.

    "Uh, guys?" Peak asked.

    Later in the evening the group had gathered by the fire once again, one they hadn't had in a while. Delta and TidalWave were arriving later. Everyone was on edge and the campfire wasn't like it used to be. Igneous and Flora's spots were open, all the dragons were pensive.

   "Hey, we're here. What's this for again?" Misty waltzed into the campsite, Calcite trailing behind her.

    "We're solving mysteries, ooOooOoOOooh," Delta said.

    "Huh?" Calcite seemed confused.

     "We're catching the murderers. If the school system won't, we will," Storm said sternly.

The fire made crackling noises as ashes flew into the air, the embers made Peak's eyes glow.

    "We are? I think it's better to take a break from this whole thing." Peak said toward Storm.

    "Peak, you said you'd help me. But so far you've done nothing but shove this problem aside," Storm said gravely.

    "It's not my fault, I don't want to deal with this stress. Couldn't we just forget about this whole thing," Peak said assertively.

   "Forget? How could we forget about Flora?" Storm shot back.

    "Guys calm down," TimberWings said.

"Don't yell at Peak, he didn't do anything wrong," Calcite stood next to her brother.

"So do you agree with him that we should just forget about this?" Dove stepped in, glaring at Calcite.

"So you think that we don't care?" Polarmist stood next to Calcite and got right up to Dove's face. Dove reeled back and scrunched up her snout.

"Guys stop," Lilac pleaded from behind Storm.

"You didn't even TRY to help out, do you even feel remorse Peak?" Storm said angrily.

"What do you have against Peak? Leave him alone," Misty hissed at Storm.

This was going downhill real fast. Air Dragons stood on one side of the firelight, while the Ice Dragons stood on the other. Air Dragons against Ice Dragons. Like a standoff replicated from over 200 years ago. Years of segregation and racism returned as the dragons fought. Storm didn't know what he was doing, he didn't know why he was yelling. He didn't know why he was so mad. Why he was so confused. Why he was ruining his friendships.

"Flora could've been alive if we just did something, maybe if you helped out or did anything AT ALL," Dove snarled. "How do we know that you're not the ones behind this?"

"Oh, so JUST because we're Ice Dragons you think WE'RE responsible?" Misty barked at Dove. "You petty Air Dragons. You think you're just ALL that," Misty said haughtily.

"It's all YOUR fault were stuck in the Ice Kingdom! But you're all the same. Greedy little feather heads." Peak yelled. Storm was offended.

"Guys stop," Lilac whined, stepping inbetween Dove and Polarmist. The girls ignored Lilac and kept yelling at each other.
TimberWings stood up and tried seperating Storm and Peak, Calcite stood behind Peak, looking confused. Storm met her eyes, she looked like she wanted to step in and stop, but the other half of her wanted to defend her brother. She was torn.

"FORGET IT," Peak roared and shot like a bullet into the air.

"Peak?!!" Calcite looked at everyone, giving off a 'Look what happened now...' stare, and jet off into the air after him.

Storm stood still, Dove was silent. Misty had disappeared. Lilac looked terrified and TimberWings held his head.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's-"Delta walked into the campsite with TidalWave. "going on..?"

"Uhmm." TidalWave said awkardly, staring at everyone.

Storm didn't know what had happened. But he ran.

He ran off into the forest and didn't look back.
