插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

World visit guide [Hana, duel, se]
This topic is Korea and what to expect if you go there

- 1. Dog in buggy. Don't be surprised if you see a dog in a stroller, people do it.

- 2. No Cleavage. Cleavage is seen as weird or innapropriate so woman in Korea don't wear low cut shirts, you won't find low cut shirts in shops and if you do its rare. If your foreign and show your cleavage in korea you might get starred at but they'll try not to take notice if your not from there.

- 3.The paler the skin, the better. In Korea pale skin is more attractive, this isn't a racist matter, it only really applies to us so it's not being racist. If your black or any other race the "paler the better" doesn't have to apply to you or your race.

- 4. Whats deodrant? They don't wear deodorant, it's not weird because we have a reason for this, what's the point if you don't need it? Because all koreans are born with a gene that leads to us not getting that musky smell under our arms.

- 5.This is connected to number 4, the gene makes us have dry earwax so our if they don't wash their ears it's normal

- 6. Unbrella's on hot days. Woman who have passed the stage "young" in their life, I'd say about 40, usually use umbrella's when the Sun is out, their trying to maintain pale skin so don't be weirdend out if you see this.

- 7. Holding hands. If you see girls or boys holding hands or locking arms on the street it doesn't mean their homosexual. Its how we show were friends with someone, you'd notice that alot of kpop idols in groups, both female and male, are quite touchy with one another, even with the same sex, this doesn't mean their together so it's the same as non idols, it's not weird at all. If your foreign you might be like "wtf?" But it's just cultural.

- 8. Couples matching or family. You'd usually see couple's wearing matching clothes or shoes or any accesorie in that matter, family usually do this with their children but it's kinda rare.

- 9. Foreigners are interesting. If you get alot of nice attention in korea it's probably that your interesting to them or possibly they want to be friends, foreigners usually get free stuff like say If I wasn't korean for example and I went to Korea, i ran out of ₩ If I bought something expensive (if you font know, ₩ is our currency, won) the shop keeper will probably let you go free or lower the price for you.

- 10. If you hear something sounding like "dwijjog-eulo gaseo dwismyeon-eissneun kadeuleul nulleo jibulhasibsio" when you go onto a bus, go into the back and tap your card on the thing at the back to pay for the ride XD lots of foreigners mistake this for "go sit at the back" so be carefull or you'll have to pay double.

This is a series, more is coming about other countries and possibly more about Korea or any country if your interested.

~If you go to Korea hope this helps! <33~
