插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

Trapped in Chains chapter 2
Eclipse woke up underwater, when had she fallen asleep? Right, after lunch. Was mom still gone? Eclipse got up, she ran to the hut. "Mom?!" She called. No answer. Eclipse sighed, mom probably would never come back. Besides Eclipse was old enough to live on her own. She was almost 7 years old. Eclipse stepped into the hut, the rough wood floor scratched at her talons. She opened up a bag and grabbed a good sized fish, it was a little bigger than her head. Eclipse ate only half of it, the more she thought about mom, the more she lost her appetite . "That's it, I'm going to look, I have to," she scrambled out of the hut and flew off. Eclipse was not a very experienced flyer, for sure, she never flew since she was never allowed to go outside of home. Eclipse was breaking over one hundred rules by going to look for her mother, Eclipse felt bad for doing it. Eclipse flew awkwardly, she was scared of crash landing into the diamond spray river, which was over flooding a little. Eclipse looked at a scavenger den , it looked really small from up above, like she could flick it away no problem. Eclipse spotted the skinniest scavenger ever walk out of a den. The little fur on it was messy, looking from behind, it looked like a big blonde blob. Eclipse focused back on her journey, wherever she was supposed to go. She flew by mountains, Eclipse had been flying for a long time. She needed a place to rest. "SO TIRED," Eclipse went head first, flying into a tree. "I think I have a concussion..." she was really dizzy now.
Aquarius POV
First few hours of working, and Aquarius was already being whipped, she hadn't done anything wrong though. The dragon whipping her seemed to be enjoying this. When Aquarius screamed in pain, he would laugh. Soon other dragons gathered around. "How long ya been whipping her?" One asked. "I don't know, but I don't really care" they responded. Aquarius had cuts, and she couldn't run away since she was chained to a pole. Finally, the dragon stopped. "Get to work now," the dragon said, kicking her to move as he got her chains off the pole and connected to a big metal ball. Aquarius sighed then got to work. She went deep into the mine she was assigned to. "Saw them whipping ya, you ok?" somebody asked. Aquarius jumped, to see a mudwing, this was the one getting whipped earlier when she first came. "W...what? I'm ok..." She said quietly as she worked on mining. "Good, I'm Duststorm by the way," he said. Aquarius nodded, " I'm Aquarius, and...do they always whip you for no reason? " Duststorm sighed. "They do it all the time for their amusement, a lot of the time the caped dudes are bored, so they just go around whipping or electrifying dragons" Aquarius stopped mining, she sighed, this place was horrible.
