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2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
Eldeer Info
Species Name: Eldeers
Habitat: hot or warm, wet climates.
Abilities: nothing too special except retracting their teeth back into their nasal cavities and skin and retracting their claws back into their legs
Strengths: physically powerful, a heightened sense of smell and hearing, a very wide range of jaw movement, and a fairly impressive mental capacity
Weaknesses: they’re untrusting, have bad eyesight, fairly low stamina, a few more than likely health problems (such as having an inability to retract their features or heart problems), and weak hides
Personality: very hostile, but very loyal, and very aware of their surroundings. They are a bit paranoid
Can be tamed: Yes
Aggression: Very Aggressive
How to tame: It must be raised from birth if the Eldeer is to be tamed. Otherwise it will attempt to kill its captor.
How to kill: any kind of perforation to the major arteries or organs
Appearance: the females have white spots on their flanks and perky ears while the males have blank flanks and floppy ears

This info is for variation 1 of the Eldeer. There are two other variations I will display once I do some concept art of them.

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