逆さ描き+α (upside down drawing +α)
<逆さ描き (upside down drawing)>
やってみたけど..難しいやぁ〜(※用紙は回転させてません。) [I tried it but..it's difficult~ (※The paper was not rotated when drawing.)]
「移動ぼかし」を試してましたが、目悪くしそうなので..使い慣れるまでなるべく控えようと思います。[I've been trying out the "moving blur tool," but it seems like it might make the eyes look worse, so I'll try to refrain from using it as much as possible until I get used to it.]
お詫び申し上げます。[I apologize.]
※参考用に元絵を載せました。[※I have included the original picture for reference.]
おそらく、レイヤー複製で「重複絵+全体ぼかし」が原因かもしれないです.. [This may be caused by “overlapping images + blurring the entire image” during layer duplication.]
やってみたけど..難しいやぁ〜(※用紙は回転させてません。) [I tried it but..it's difficult~ (※The paper was not rotated when drawing.)]
「移動ぼかし」を試してましたが、目悪くしそうなので..使い慣れるまでなるべく控えようと思います。[I've been trying out the "moving blur tool," but it seems like it might make the eyes look worse, so I'll try to refrain from using it as much as possible until I get used to it.]
お詫び申し上げます。[I apologize.]
※参考用に元絵を載せました。[※I have included the original picture for reference.]
おそらく、レイヤー複製で「重複絵+全体ぼかし」が原因かもしれないです.. [This may be caused by “overlapping images + blurring the entire image” during layer duplication.]