插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

hope I get well soon
Before because of digestive diseases in the hospital, there are more than four months I couldn't eat food normally, nutrients couldn't be properly absorbed, so lost more than ten kilograms and hadn't energy for anything,such as conducting school work and painting.So I was in a bad place at that time and didn't go to school for a month. I even missed sports days😢
Luckily,from this month to slowly return to normal, although still vomiting and continuing to take medicine, but at least not so uncomfortable. Now one of my goals is to gain at least 45 kilograms back before I graduate in June, so I want to eat more nutritious food to strengthen my body
If possible, please give me some dietary advice. Thank you
(My classmates suggest me eat more meat😌)
