Hello? So imma say it now I, gonna let my thoughts kinda speak
I really wanna cry I just need to cry
I looked through some old stuff and it didn’t help
That nostalgia was just
And so I needed to cry so I listened to song that gave me that feeling so I could cry
But if anyone could help me?? I need to cry and know that I’m not completely useless and empty..
Idk so many things come and go and I just like to say thanks
For people/ friend who have been here
My first friend Narwal, Hue who is a good listener, Noistorm who again was there when I was starting out and is now staying strong, Fluffycat who I actually was able to see grow and my followers..
What are you doing with liking my crap??
And to people who care
Why would you waste time with me??
Anyways thank you and also kinda sorry. Idk what happend to me I just lost sight I guess of what I wanted
But especially now
I don’t wanna be happy. I wanna cry and feel emotion
I don’t want the nostalgic pain to go away
Sorry if this is long this kinda just got to me and I needed to ask?
I really wanna cry I just need to cry
I looked through some old stuff and it didn’t help
That nostalgia was just
And so I needed to cry so I listened to song that gave me that feeling so I could cry
But if anyone could help me?? I need to cry and know that I’m not completely useless and empty..
Idk so many things come and go and I just like to say thanks
For people/ friend who have been here
My first friend Narwal, Hue who is a good listener, Noistorm who again was there when I was starting out and is now staying strong, Fluffycat who I actually was able to see grow and my followers..
What are you doing with liking my crap??
And to people who care
Why would you waste time with me??
Anyways thank you and also kinda sorry. Idk what happend to me I just lost sight I guess of what I wanted
But especially now
I don’t wanna be happy. I wanna cry and feel emotion
I don’t want the nostalgic pain to go away
Sorry if this is long this kinda just got to me and I needed to ask?