Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Chapter Eleven : Choices
     The next morning was chilly. Snow flurried around the camp, covering trees and wooden crates that lay outside. Frostbite silently treaded through the snow, his talons leaving marks. He enetered the prison camp, it was a quiet morning.

     Tap, tap, tap.

     Frostbite heard Melody shift inside her cell, then slowly get up as he entered. This morning was different, she was quiet. Like she was tired. Not sleep deprived, but tired.
     The hallway was eerily noiseless, the only sound that could be heard were the scraping of their talons along the floor. Well- here we go again.

     "Your majesty," A guard spoke, letting Frostbite inside then leaving.

     "Ah, well if it isn't my favorite little dragonets," she grinned. "Anything?"

     Frostbite hesitated.

     "No, your highness," he said lowering his head. "There was nothing there." He lied, shutting his eyes.

     He heard the Queen give a low hiss. His talons quivered. He wasn't willing to tell her anything, atleast- not yet.

     "Well then," she said suddenly with a cheerful voice. "Obviously you do not deserve food if you refuse to speak," she spat at Melody. "Bring her to interrogation." She said menacingly.

     "Wait- what." Frostbite looked up, the Queen only glared back down at him.

     "Did you not hear my words?" She narrowed her eyes.

     "I-" Frostbite stammered. "Yes- yes your majesty," he quickly bowed and continued off, tugging Melody along. He knew what this meant. He knew wbere they were going, and he knew it was bad.

     The walk down the hallway seemed like it took hours. Frostbite was trying to walk slowly, like he had done many times before. This time was different though. He hesitated, he didn't want to go there. Anything but there.

     They had reached another large cave opening, this cave led deeper into the mountain, so there were no windows. The walls were smoothly carved, the ceiling was low and lanterns hung along it. He stood infront of the entrance, and reluctantly stepped inside.

     "Oh my, what do we have here?" A sly voice said. It came from a lean dragon, he was a pale mint color. He wore a thick belt with multiple weapons on it. He leaned against a stone table full of items. "A hybrid I see?"

     "Frostbite, what's going on?" Melody said nervously, darting her eyes around.

     Frostbite didn't say anything, and instead handed Melody's chains to him, closed the entrance with bars, and stood on the outside guarding the door. He listened to what the dragon on the inside said.

     "Let me see what my schedule says.." the dragon said clicking his tounge and glancing at a paper. "Ah, Melody."

     "Frostbite-" Melody said again.

     "Awe, the featherling calls for her friend?" The Ice Dragon chuckled.

     "What is this?" Frostbite heard Melody move across the room. Her voice shook.

     "I'm the one asking questions," he yanked her chain, the air being squeezed out of her neck. She sounded like she had been choked, then a clank of chains and bang of metal. Frostbite heard Melody's quick breathes, he heard her trying to flail her wings and scrape her claws.

     "It's not that hard," the Ice Dragon said. "Just give me two names. Mama and papa, hm? How's that sound?" He said cunningly.

     Frostbite heard a pause, and Melody stopped moving, he only heard her breathing.

     "No," she said. "Never."

     "Oh. They're always stubborn." The Ice Dragon sighed and Frostbite heard a clanks, then something being grabbed off the table.


     "AGH." Melody hissed. Frostbite flinched.


     He heard Melody take sharp inhales, the sound of the whip stinging her scales, the sound of the Ice Dragon laughing, and the sound of his heart pounding. He wanted to barge into the room to stop him. He wanted to tackle that Ice Dragon. He wanted to strangle him and use the whip to choke him until he couldn't breathe.

     And every single time he heard a whip, that feeling would get worse.


     "HNNGH-" Frostbite heard Melody reel in pain between clentched teeth. Her breathing changed, it sounded shallow and quick instead of deep and sharp.

     "Little miss water-works here has a hard time learning the rules around here," the Ice Dragon threatened.

     She was crying.

     Frostbite scraped his talons on the floor, making a small screeching noise. He grit his teeth, but kept a straight face. He heard Melody try to flail her wings again, only to hear a blade slice her scales. Melody screeched, the chains made violent clinking sounds, she wanted to escape.

     "Y'know this would be much faster if you spoke," he said politely.

     Frostbite flicked his ear, he glanced down the hallway to see another guard with another prisoner. He came to the entrance and tapped the bars. Frostbite turned around, and when he saw Melody she was bound to a wooden guillotine, just without a blade. Tears streamed down her face and her claws were shaking uncontrollably. Her feathers on her right wing were bloody and some had fallen off.

     "Session over, I have another appointment," the Ice Dragon said sadly. "I know we'll meet again. Good day." He took her chain and thrusted them into Frostbite's claws.

    Thank the heavens that was over.

    "I should've stayed home," Melody said coarsely, her voice shaking.

     They didn't talk the way to her cell.

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