Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

C6 (Sorry for the wait-)
It’s been a couple of weeks since Decco had been told about her new “sibling.”
But the thought of having a sibling was still an ongoing and “new” thought in her head, “I wonder if we’d get along or not..probably not.” Decco thought to herself as one of her legs dangled off her bed. “You’ve been awfully quiet over there.”
Neon said, trying to break the awkward silence. “Sorry.I don't know how to make small talk like you do.” Decco answers with a quiet sigh.
“That’s true. You do suck at small talk.” Neon nagged,getting a very slightly annoyed sigh from Decco. “Wow thanks,what a way to rub salt in a wound, huh?”
Decco jokes, trying her best to sound annoyed. “D’awwww lighten up, Deccy.” Neon extolled “It’s been boring lately, you haven't been talking to me much either”
she added with a slight frown. “Sorry, I've been thinking a lot about this “sibling” shit. It's starting to get on my nerves.”
“How is it getting on your nerves? I’d love to have a sibling.” Neon asked, trying to convince Decco it wasn’t a bad thing. Even if Neon couldn’t stop the scientists' plans, she could definitely help ease the thought of them. “..I don't know. I have nothing against having a sibling, it’s just the thought of it being made with my own blood. it creeps me out a bit.” Decco paused, “What if we aren’t cell mates anymore? We both know they rarely let 3 subjects in a cell. And if they do then they’re all the same species.” Decco ranted, she wanted to continue but Neon cut her off with a soft “Shhhhhhh.” it wasn’t loud but certainly not quiet either.
“They’ll do what they want to, we’ll figure something out.” Neon laughed, getting up from her bed just to give Decco a pat on the shoulder. “Okay..” Decco sighed.
She knew everything was going to be okay eventually. Nothing could really separate the two;not even being put in two different cells.
“Do you know when you’ll meet them?” Neon asked, trying to lighten up the mood. Decco tried to re-play the conversation in her head but it was too long ago for her to remember all the small details. “No,I don't recall hearing when.”
“But I feel like they’d tell me when.We both know they keep us up to date on things like thi-”
“Only if it’s not confidential.” Neon cut Decco off,correcting her.
“ehaha…Yeah.” Decco awkwardly laughed, becoming a bit embarrassed due to being corrected. The conversation then fell a bit silent. They both didn’t know how to continue,but something happened that made up for the sudden silence.
“I would need you to come with me,Miss.” A guard signaled Decco to come over to the cell door. Decco looked back at Neon before fully walking over.
“Coincidence.” Neon purred. Decco rolled her eyes sarcastically.
“Miss.” The guard grew impatient. “Coming.” Decco apologized, fully heading towards the cell door.

“Why do you need me again..?” Decco confusedly asked, looking up at the guard who greatly towered over her. “He wanted to talk to you.” The guard replied, clearly trying to hoard as much information as possible. “Who’s “he”?”
The guard fell silent, the only sounds Decco heard was the steady breathing from the guards mask and the loud tap of his shoes within every step.
They arrived at the end of the long corridor and stood at a familiar door.
Decco recognised this as the same room as last time. The guard knocked on the door patiently,then waited for a response. Quick footsteps came close to the door
and opened it. “Ah! 1076. come in, come in. I won't bite.” The scientist awkwardly ordered with a laugh. It wasn’t crazzed, it was more or less “hurry up and get in here.” type of laugh. Decco hesitantly walked in. She saw someone sitting nervously in a chair,it wasn’t a scientist;it was a subject. She could tell due to them being in the normal subject uniform. (Grey shirt,same colored pants and black shoes. With their number plastered onto their back.) “Go sit down, I'll be with you two in a second.” The man said, pointing at a similar chair for Decco to sit in. It was right next to the other subject. Decco sat down in the chair, a wave of silence passed over the two;it was an eerie feeling. “Sooo…um. What’s your name?” Decco asked in a low tone. She doesn’t know why she whispered, but she felt it was necessary to do so. The other subject gave a confused stare.
‘Did I do something wrong???’ Decco thought, beads of sweat formed on her forehead. “I don't kn-” The subject finally muttered. “I’m backkk!~” The scientist gazed at the two with a smile. “I hope you two didn’t get into any trouble while I was gone.” He added, walking over to his desk. “We-we didn’t haha-” The subject confirmed,they were a nervous train wreck. The scientist gave a suspicious look at the two before he opened his mouth to speak once more. “Enough of the chatting. 1076, meet your sibling,1077. I hope you two will get along just fine.”
Decco and 1077 looked at each other,(it was more of a stare.) they didn’t look all too happy, it was more of a surprised stare. “And I also bring other news, you two will become “Cell mates”, or whatever the hell you people call them.” The scientist added with a slim smile. Decco felt her heart drop into her stomach, she gave a cold stare towards the floor. “What’s the matter? Don’t want to be with your sibling? We could turn him into scrap if you don't. The choice is yours.” The scientist grimly laughed under his breath. 1077 put a hand on Deccos’ back,to at least give her a small bit of comfort while trying to ignore the fact he could die a very cruel death by her choice. “No.” Decco mutterd, she was on the verge of tears. She felt horrible for leaving Neon behind. But that didn’t mean she’d never see her again. “What was that dear? Speak up.”
“I said no.” Decco could very faintly hear 1077 give a sigh of relief.
“Good choice. But I will tell you this.” Decco looked up from the floor, giving all her attention to the scientist. “You won't see that disgusting dog as often anymore.”
“Mhm..” that actually meant: “you just shattered my heart into a million pieces, but I won't tell you because you wouldn’t care.”
“Glad you understand. You two are dismissed,now get out.” He pointed to the door behind them.
They both got up and quickly exited the room in case he changed his mind.
Once out of the room Decco covered her face,her breathing started to get rushed and panicked. 1077 took notice of this, “Hey, are you alright?” 1077 got closer to Decco. “I'm-i’m a horrible friend..” Decco trembled. “You aren't, you clearly care for whomever you're friends with.” 1077 said embracing Decco into a hug.
“Everything will be fine, I doubt you’ll never see them again. You can see them during meal times, right?” 1077 asked,lightening the mood.
“..right.” Decco replied,hugging 1077 back.
“Um.” Decco and 1077 looked at where the sudden voice came from.
..It was their guard. “Oh.Your’re here.” 1077 said breaking the silence(And the hug.) “Follow me to your Cell.” The guard sighed, sigling for them to follow along.
At first it seemed like they were heading to the cell with Neon,which Decco hoped(Sadly, it didn’t come true.), but ended up passing it. Half way before they passed the cell Neon spotted them. “Decco!...Decco?” Neon looked confused and half heart broken. “Where are you going..?” Decco faintly heard Neon ask.
Decco wanted to respond but she had no answer.

After Decco and 1077 arrived at the cell Decco decided it’d be best to lay down and sleep. It was almost nightfall anyways. “Are you up to chatting? I’d like to get to know you better.” 1077 asked(More of a beg) Decco, sounding bored out of his mind. “No, let me sleep. I’ll talk to you later.” Decco sighed. 1077 didn’t know the tone of the sentence due to Decco’s back facing him. Seeing her facial expression would definitely help. “oh..ok then. Goodnight.” 1077 then fell silent.

sorry for the long wait, my week has been pretty busy haha.
I hope this “chapter” is ok, it took me a few days to write this so it might be a bit wonky :/

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