Please DO NOT IGNORE THIS. Thanks to Keb, this awful website has been brought to light of how they’ve stolen multiple artists works who post their art on Medibang. It is a possibility that your art has been stolen and uploaded to the website. (This is his topic, read it in its entirety and report the website SAFELY)

My profile contains blood/gore and other sensitive subjects. I do not put censors on my art. Don’t like it? Don’t look!
Read my Carrd/account rules before you interact w/ me. Ty!
★My Carrd:
Absolute GODS: Keb, Gloom, Sae, Sam, Dj.
Don't steal/trace my stuff, I will not tolerate it one bit.
- Gore
- Fanart
- Ocs
Any, but mainly purple.
Oh jeez, I don’t even wanna know.
Jhariah, The Real Tuesday Weld, TV Girl, Alex G, Femtanyl.
NOTICE— This account is currently on break.
Please go follow my friend!! ^_^
Done! They have awesome art
I haven't exactly been the most active here, even when I previously said I would. Which I apologize for.
Things have just gotten busy and friends have moved to different platforms, leaving this place very uninteresting for me.
Checking the timeline feels like a chore, honestly.
However, I have mainly moved over to Tumblr ( and I have been thinking of officially starting a YouTube channel. (Possibly surrounding art and commentary!)
With my birthday coming up on the 11th, I’ve been extremely busy preparing for that and the upcoming school no finished art to post yet.
But I do have some small doodles to give you guys!
> 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Of course! ❤️
> DEXIMUS tysmm !!!! XDD
> 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 OH. OHHH. PFFT, SILLY ME XD happy EARLY birthday!
> DEXIMUS HAPPY BDAY, DEXXIII !!!!!! <33333 OH i meant that both of our birthdays are on the 11th, mine is next month LOL-- no worries XDD
Wasn't thrilled to see my old work get stolen by a user who makes horrible bots. doesnt allow me to report the actual user, so I hope reporting the bot is enough to get it taken down.
Art they stole:
that's so unfairr
That sucks >:[
noo wayyyy crazy
supa epic
I haven't drawn these guys in awhile
The document regarding the grooming allegations of Tortellini/Amore has been completed. Please read the trigger warnings before proceeding!
I'm honestly real scared and I'm sorry if this is random But my cousin who is like 11 years old was talking to them I don't know if they like actually talk a lot but I don't know Freaks me out and I knew that they were like weird Top topic topics and they Telling me to kill myself idk It's weird I'm still in the progress of reading this I know I don't really have anything to do with this but I just wanted to state the fact I'm concerned for some reason I don't know why I have no 1 to talk to at the moment so yay!
> Jen Jen Of course!
im glad you made this doc dex! thank you for speaking to me about it and letting me tell my side :) hope stuff clears up! also idk if this is random but in some comments below yall r mentioning abt jade being peepaw, yes, they used to be peepaw
> TheFanartFREAK I wouldn’t doubt that they were PeePaw, honestly. I too hope it gets resolved soon.
To put it shortly, school. I am nearly at the end of my school days and making the final stretch for summer break, so I am incredibly busy. I have also not been creating much digital art due to joining a traditional art class, which causes some burnout here and there (I've also mainly migrated to Tumblr for my newer work).
“When will the document be released?” — It will be out shortly. Please give me some time to properly document the situation and hear most (if not all) points of view on it. I want to handle the incident(s) with care, so as to not already any misinformation. Understandably, the whole situation is messy and I’d like to try my best to clear everything up (by timeline, series of events, dates, etc). Thank you all for your patience, I deeply appreciate it ❤️.
As always, I hope you all have been doing well and continue to thrive. I’m sorry for going on an unannounced hiatus, I will try my best to be more active this upcoming week (though, take this with a grain of salt).
> 🅒🅗🅔🅔🅢🅔 (not very active) Thank you for understanding, and I appreciate that!
Hey I understand that you’ve been busy with school and that whole drama that happened (Like the new pfp)
yuhhhhhh :D
> MrFlagada Thank you!
Um hey hex no hue no uhm ex no uhm fedex NO uhh iec NO Isaac NOPE. Uhmm heya ecks hey dex look at this
> Keeps Ache I'm drowning😭
OH LMAO i've been depawed, no worries hbvfh :3
> 𝑬𝑽@ I'm glad you're doing alright, it's been a while since I last spoke with you, haha. I wish you all the best in school, I know it can be a pain in the ass.
Jade/Gregory is leaving media, however, take her words for a grain of salt. Because they have said this before.
Amore, Sae, and I have been gathering evidence (via Discord) and are planning to release it in a public Google document. Please do not interact with Jade or her account until further notice. I have a hunch they might be an attention seeker.
I take allegations directed toward my friends very seriously and I want everything to be cleared up, Amore does not deserve any hate or harassment, same goes with Jade. I will repeat, DO NOT HARASS ANYONE MENTIONED OR INVOLVED.
(The attached screenshots above are of Jade's original account, now abandoned. The discord message is what I was sent today. I find it odd she won't provide me evidence to believe her claims, but instead gives up due to people actually investigating her allegations)
> |\Juju/| No, this drama has since long passed. However, the document I’ve written for it is my pinned topic!
is the drama still going on? if so, tell me what currently is happening.
I now realize I have used the incorrect pronouns, I apologize. I wish I could edit this to he/him, but sadly I cannot.
I would also like to put some things that they did to me But the same time I rather not care what they have done to me but I will care if the people I love gets involved >:/ But hopefully after exams I will help put an end to this the fact we can all be safe and not look in the past
Why is this so underrated
Well, to put it simply, I've been busy. Busy with school, busy with life in general.
I have not forgotten about this place, nor will I leave it anytime soon. But, I am taking a break. I don't know when I'll post again (art, topic, etc..). But just know, I'm not gone. I'm going nowhere.
Thank you all for your amazing support since the moment I began posting, it has been an honor witnessing all of your growth in art right beside mine. And hopefully, you'll continue to support me through my art journey. I love you all, mwa❤️
haha fart (i read art like that for a second lmao)
> DEXIMUS🦴🥩 ok twin I will wait for you ^^
I really want mozzarella sticks right now
> APPLEF!SH𓆝 ⋆。𖦹°‧🫧 Nuh uh it's me🤭🦟
Nah cauze that gif is literally me rn
> DEXIMUS🦴🥩 Oh im sorry your sick
> Cheese Same here I'm sick and I can't stomach anything
Thank you so much for the ask! I hope Mexi really showed you her love for stuffed animals, haha.
ASKS ARE STILL OPEN, feel free to ask my OCS (or me) ANYTHING‼️
> Cheese (it's alright!) Oh, that's good!
> DEXIMUS🦴🥩 Lucky most of them don’t have the stone eyes (sorry for the late reply)
Question for you Favorite tv show?
> Cheese Ough, that must hurt lol
400+ followers? When did that happen? 😭❤️
Seriously, thank you ALL for your support. I am incredibly blessed for everyone who has and hopefully will continue to support my work. Thank you all so much❤️❤️
> DEXIMUS🦴🥩 U welcome Dex
> 🔪♠♣GLB♣♠🔪 Thank you!❤️
> サード Tysm!❤️
Congrats 🎉👍 :D
Ask ANY (including me) of my ocs anything!
One ask per person please! ^_^
Favorite band?
for both decco and dex: opinions on dj?
For mexi: Do you like plushies?
For your oc Ajax, how was the tip of their tail cut off in battle I’ve been curious?
Read if you're interested, thank you!
> ズᗩのᖇᑌ Sure!
> ズᗩのᖇᑌ It's an inanimate insanity darkfic I've been working on
The game is absolutely amazing and the community is a fucking dumpster fire of cringe
Does anyone else agree?
> DEXIMUS🦴🥩 Pues si,si poppy es un juego de terror que por lo menos se vea mas turbio como fnaf 4 o el dlc del breach que ahi si tiene toques de juego de miedo pero del bueno.
i agree with Astro, the story plot and everything is such a cool idea but idk, something about the designs and atmosphere just doesn't hit for me (i mean that it feel like it's lacking atmosphere if that makes sense ? idk) and i feel like Chapter 3 was a little over hyped imo, cuz they (developers) said it was going to be so much scarier and all that, but when i watched the playthrough i just... it didn't quite give me shivers lol (or maybe i'm not one to judge because maybe it's a lot scarier if YOU'RE the one playing) and yeah the stupid content farming off of crusty ipad kids channels always ruin certain games lol-- and i dont really have a good impression off of Mob Games or whoever thought of NFTs... =/
I like it too! (even tho I stop watching it) it is a nice creepy game, loved chapter 2 but bruhh I can't with these cringe chanals.. they completely ruined it!! >:///
the concept of the game is fire but tbh the character designs... like i went to japan and they had huggy toys and my mom saw them and was like ????? plus the fact that the fandom is just profiting off it for clicks and the nfts just ruin it for me, i dont really interact with it anymore
It's so fucking underrated :(
> 𝙯𝙤𝙢𝙗𝙞𝙞𝙗𝙖𝙚❄️ Glad we could turn things around :)
> 𝙯𝙤𝙢𝙗𝙞𝙞𝙗𝙖𝙚❄️ :)
> 𝙯𝙤𝙢𝙗𝙞𝙞𝙗𝙖𝙚❄️ Yeah, just move on from that past and we’ll be fine
> 𝙯𝙤𝙢𝙗𝙞𝙞𝙗𝙖𝙚❄️ I’ll think about it, I don’t know.
> DEXIMUS🦴🥩 yay >:3
> 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 lol you can edit it
> DEXIMUS🦴🥩 Oooo that would be some photo XD I should added a hand XD
> 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 ..hehe. It might’ve >:)
So currently, school has been kicking my ass and I just wanted to say..I dont know when I’m posting again.
I’m trying to find a balance between my writing and art work along with school and otherthings such as cosplay and martial arts. Sorry for the dissapointment! Just try to bear with me here, I’ll try to feed you guys once I come back.
Anywho, how have you all been? I hope good since this place is rotting faster then my brain on no sleep and a cup of joe.
> DEXIMUS🦴🥩 same XD
> 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 That is true It would be fun to meet everyone irl but I don't think I trust people enough for that haha
> DEXIMUS🦴🥩 Ok ^w^ I hope we can meet to in person one day Or all the Art gang in one place one day XD I just wish we can all meet but it's also scary qwq
> 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 I’ll let you know when I can draw ^_^
I don't know when I'll be posting any drawings for updating ABH, I've been feeling stressed and unmotivated lately due to upcoming essays and tests from school. I'll try my hardest to at least do something but don't count on it, I know I haven't really been active here and I'm trying to spend more time here aswell.
But, how have you all been?
> DEXIMUS🦴🥩 Np Make sure you sleep well twin ok
> DEXIMUS🦴🥩 alrr 😊🫶🏼
> 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 Alright, I'll keep that in mind!
> Zen I don't know if I would have time for one of those, but I'd would love to talk to you through here ^_^
So, more than recently I’ve been seeing when younger children cry, yell, etc. Their parent or the adult of the group, gives them their phone. I don’t like this method of teaching a child how to “calm down” because it’s not, I’m being blunt. It’s not a way to calm them down. It’s more of a reward in their eyes.
The child could see them getting the/a phone as a reward due to watching content they enjoy on it, etc. So, therefore, the child will purposefully be rude/disrespectful/unbehaved in order to achieve getting the phone.
I’m sorry, but parents these upcoming days are a bit soft. Children need discipline, NOT a screen to numb their brain. Giving a crying child a phone doesn’t teach them about self-control, if the phone or device is instantly calming them down, then why should they try to learn self-control if they can instantly feel happiness, etc with a click of a phone.
Here’s one more thing, people say to keep sexuality out of kids content (which I agree with to some degree) but hey, WHY NOT KEEP PREGNANCY OUT OF IT TOO??
> Muna Sketches Jeez, cousins are always the most uncomfortable ones, aren't they? Hah.
I have a little cousin, VERY young, and she's SO mature and smart and can hold conversations better than me- SO thankful for her, but I have like 4 cousins who are 5-11 (yes, a 11 year old is included) who are SO ANNOYING THAT ITS A PROBLEEMMM- They dont get treated with ipads at my family parties, but they don't know what no means, and the 11 year old once made MOANING sounds in front of my aunt and me. So many times I wanted to tell them off so badly- Last family gathering I was a bit more tougher with them, because it's been years and they are only getting worse-
> Babalon I agree with you 100%
I totally agree.. Parents are doing a very wrong kind of care for their children, you can't just give them the phone and go away, like think about their future.. Parents should play with their children instead be with them and talk about what they want to be etc..i know a man who is a father gave an advice, he said : "be with your child even if he say nonsense " and definitely learn them to be respectful to adults. Parents should do all of this!
ONE SPOT IS OPEN. PLEASE, GO COMMISSION HER! Or, spread the word for more people to see!!
Read if interested!
My word for this new year is Saudade. A Portuguese word meaning, a feeling of longing, nostalgia, or melancholy.
I hope everyone has a fantastic new year, see you all NEXT year! ^_^
Your request is done!
If you have the money, GO COMMISSION THEM!
If you don't, please spread the word! Their family is in a tough position currently, it would be extremely helpful to them if we help donate some money.
> amores baby carrot Because I don't want someone saying ‘no’ on a post to help someone. That's why.
> amores baby carrot I know
Wah!! What’s goin on with stolen artwork?? :0