插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

have a nice morning/avo/night !! <3333

lil vent

why do i have to think of my body this way
it doesn't deserve it
i'm here complaining about it, crying about it, staring at it, all because of the way it was born
while it cares for me and itself so much no matter what
it breathes for me while i'm sleeping, it fights off sicknesses so i can feel better, it heals all the injuries even if they were my intentional fault, it digests all the food i give it, and so so so so much more without me needing to put any conscious effort
yet i'm looking at it and judging it and comparing it
"why is your ribcage so wide?" "why do you still look fat?" "why aren't you athletic enough like the others?" "why is it so hard for me to train you up so i can like you better" "why are you so asymmetrical" "your bone structure is so wide" "you look so stupid omg"

and it still says "i love you"
