Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Some weird anatomy thing IDK
I liked it at first when I just got done drawing it, but then I stared at it for too long and noticed the mistakes I made lol
I was thinking of drawing him without a shirt but then my mom was nearby so I quickly scribbled on some straps and kept drawing XD
I wasn't sure what his arms should've been doing, or what he should've been wearing, so I just did w/e lol
His face was a bit of a struggle, too, cuz im trying to make him look mature, but not end up looking like a 30 year old man lolol
But anyway, I think I am getting better compared to the first pic of Hikaru I posted on here. I hope so anyway heh *cringes*
PS: ignore the description in the pic, I was being a goof towards the end it's not rlly that accurate XD

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