Some art I wanted to share
That I’m actually proud of XD
These are CreativeLiz’s (on several sites I don’t know where though, just, not here anymore lol) and Scrreaming-Doll (DeviantArt)’s roleplaying Characters.
Scrreamin-Doll: https://www.deviantart.com/scrreamin-doll/art/Untitled14-792446801
This was a very old sketch I stumbled across while going really deep into my canvas collection thing, so I decided to finish it.
These are CreativeLiz’s (on several sites I don’t know where though, just, not here anymore lol) and Scrreaming-Doll (DeviantArt)’s roleplaying Characters.
Scrreamin-Doll: https://www.deviantart.com/scrreamin-doll/art/Untitled14-792446801
This was a very old sketch I stumbled across while going really deep into my canvas collection thing, so I decided to finish it.