插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

I don't know how I'm supposed to feel...
I just needed a little vent... most of you don't know about my previous account or anything about my personal life, so I spare the fine details. Basically, on my previous account, I made friends and got into a relationship with someone on Medi. To do that... I had to let go of someone very, very special to me... I was in such grief over my stupid decision that my chest actually began to pound and hurt like someone was trying to crush my lungs and heart. After a short run, I broke off the relationship and have found myself in a much more positive situation. Today, though... I caught myself thinking about my ex... he basically disappeared after the breakup and made no response to me... I feel awful about this, despite it happening back in October... I don't know what happened to him or if he's okay. I do worry. I don't dislike him after the experience and I had hoped to be friends again, but he just... left. Gone. No trace. His account hasn't been touched since October, which does worry me. If you know him personally; username Yawnii, name Oliver; can you please tell him that Kipper sends her concern and care. I doubt anyone who knows him will see this, but I guess it's worth a shot...
