Merry pride month ( update kinda )
Happy pride month yall ( sorry for bad drawing i will make a better one soon ) somewhat of an update, I understand I do not post often and that some people might probably think i am going to leave med but no I am not ( at least I am not planning it ) If you sinserly love my content that much please feel free to head on to my yt channel where I post alot more frecently. Anyway I am trying to set up a set scheduale to post and I think posting every 2 weeks will probably be my schedualed time. ( yes I am aware I conot spell ) Anyway besideds that I don't have much to say so I wish you all a merry pride month ( yes I am also aware that it is happy pride month but I dont care )
Link to my yt channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIVOx-ZWUUUScicQnK0-UHw/about
Link to my yt channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIVOx-ZWUUUScicQnK0-UHw/about