일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

hhhhhhh vent ??????
so i had this oc named rift and i made her over 4 years ago and i loved her a lot.
today i retired her.
its not that she reminded me of anything to the point of becoming a trigger, and its not that i got tired of her.
its just that.
shes had too many changes over the years. and she was a duo.
but ive since lost all contact with the owner of the oc she was a duo with.
its hard.
its hard to have rift without meadow.
but you can have meadow without rift, 'cause meadow is 6+ years old and never needed rift for anything other than meadowtale, which has been disbanded.
i just dont know what to do with her but i cant bear the thought of gifting her away.
i want so desperately to return her to what she was, when i made her in 6th grade.
i loved that rift, i loved how edgy she was.
but i dont think i can ever have that again.
sure, i can easily recreate her design and story! i remember it well enough!
but meadowtale and meadow were key factors.
so for the time being or forever,
rift is retired.

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