插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang


i'll check the notifications here every once in a while and maybe post a topic or two,, idk.
i really like my small and quiet world over on my new main, but i also miss yall :[
theres also some other people i forgot to send a link to
i guess um
if someone follows you and seems like a pretty new account, it might be me
thats all im gonna say, because like i said earlier
i really like my small and quiet world, and i kinda wanna make it last, yk?


  • I miss you, glad you're enjoying it ❤

hey, please read this.

I'm moving accounts. For my mental health, I want to get away from the past and start things all over again. I will send the link to my new account only to very certain people of my chosing. Please do not feel offended or sad if you do not recieve a link. Thank you.


  • Ok, I hope it all helps! :D

  • it’s great that you’re doing what’s best for your mental health, i wish you the best for your new acc ^_^ /gen

  • Good luck

  • gl w/ the new acc, I hope you feel better and that moving accounts help!

Fuck. Vent.

I feel like I ruined zayden's life. I do not like this feeling. I don't like guilt. But I feel like my irrationality really ruined him. There's little things I've seen that hurt me because I know they're targeted, intentionally or unintentionally. The "Do people deserve second chances? No." For example. The name change. The sona change. The profile code being removed.

I don't like feeling this way.

I want it to stop. But he won't talk to me, no doubt.


I shouldn't have made such a stupid decision to break up with him.

I mean, yeah, I was really vulnerable, but.

I feel gross.



"My masterpiece."

My artist ancestors watch me. They never had digital art in their lifetimes, so they are intrigued. I open a 2000x2000 canvas with a preset light grey background. They watch as i create weird coloured shapes on the canvas, and wonder 'What is he doing?'
They start to become disappointed as i continue to make rudimentary shapes with a tool that imitates acrylic on a brush. However, excitement courses through them as they become aware of what i am doing. Slowly, the shapes come together and start forming an image.
Applaud breaks out amongst them as i continue to paint digitally. They cheer me on as I reject all rules of art and neglect sketching, revision, and lining. They are proud to see their kin use his own rules and contort the norms of art. This is the meaning of art; to never do as they say.
Finally, I finish. I have a piece that could never have been created if i had obsessed over sketching and lining. Had i done either of those things, i would have abandoned the canvas like many before me.
They are wiping tears from their eyes as they hear me say;
"My masterpiece."


  • Poetry??? 😳 yes

  • How... just- BEAUTIFUL *SOB*

  • Beautiful ✨✨✨

  • bro- that was indeed pogger woggers

idk :/

only rule: NO MINECRAFT YOUTUBERS OR DREAM SMP CHARACTERS. i'm kinda trying to partially leave the fandom :/ plus it gives me the chance to look into other fandoms.

(for some reason, achilles says i remind him of dipper from gravity falls, so now he calls me pine tree- i love it-)


  • > trickster :)

  • > Carter🎃👻 <:]

  • > trickster i hate it- but ive only been in some of the drama once- did not turn out well but yeah u remind me of denki in a good way ofc hes amazing

  • > Carter🎃👻 as someone who has been in that fandom Y EAH