일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Chapter Ten : Air & Ice
Everything that had happened the night before haunted Calcite. What did she get herself into. Now they were travelling by foot in the forest. Their next mission was to get to Terragon Heights. Which presented many problems.
1.) She was too injured to fly, and if she did it hurt like hail.
2.) There was a 95% chance Calcite would be kicked out or resented.
3.) And how did they know anyone would believe them once they got there.

Walrus blubber.

The forest seemed gloomy on this particular day, the birds stayed out of sight and the clouds loomed ominously overhead. Just beyond the Earth Kingdom the clouds were pushed away and the sun shone through the Air Kingdom.
Calcite's sides hurt, and her neck had a pulsating feeling of stabbing pain. Her eyes looked weary, she hadn't slept a lot last night, she was too traumatized. Storm had made Calcite a natural pain reliever from herbs, she was lucky Storm actually paid attention and cared about his studies.

"How are we possibly supposed to get to Terragon Heights," Calcite moaned.

"We'll figure out a way," Storm said with just a hint of doubt.

Calcite held her head, but she had to pull through, she had to. It felt like they had been walking through the forest for hours now. She saw Storm quickly rise into the air and poke his head out of the leaves, he then returned back toward the ground. Guess he was thinking the same thing Calcite was.

"The Air Kingdom isn't far away," Storm said reassuringly for Calcite.

Calcite only nodded. This was it, she was actually going through with this. The trees had begun to slowly clear and beyond them Calcite saw the sky islands. Great, so, how did she exactly get up there? She didn't realise she had kept walking and Storm put his wing infront of her chest to stop her.

"That's a steep drop," Storm said looking down a sheer cliff. This was a three way boarder between the Earth, Air, and Sea Kingdom. Water lapped the cliffside below while a breeze came from the air islands. Calcite spread her wings, they felt a bit better from Storm's herbs, but when she fluttered into the air she lost balance and tumbled back onto the ground.

"Storm just go without me," Calcite said, standing back up. "I'm just a burden."

Without any words spoken Calcite hward Storm flying off, then felt Storm grip her sides and they began taking off.

"Storm?!" Calcite screeched. "ARE YOU CRAZY." Calcite fidgeted.

"The more you move, the more difficult it'll be," Storm said as they flew over the ocean. Calcite had a slight fear of the ocean. "It's easier to carry a smaller dragon." Storm said calmly. HOW WAS HE SO CALM AT THIS MOMENT.

They landed on a small sky island that seemed empty except for a few fir and pine trees. Calcite gazed at the other islands, then a huge one in the center of all of them. The Air Kingdom was so close.

"Round two?" Storm asked Calcite.

She felt guilty Storm had to do all the work, and she waved Storm's help away. Also, partially since, she thought she would freeze Storm's talons off if he touched her anymore.

Storm hovered nearby her in the air, waiting for Calcite. Calcite spread her wings and took a deep breathe, she closed her eyes then took off into the air with a big burst, as if that would make her stay in the air longer. She shakily hovered next to Storm, and they flew off together, Storm had to make sure Calcite wouldn't plummet into the ocean. Her wings felt so sore. They landed on a larger island, this time it was full of houses and dragons. Oh boy, here comes trouble.

They travelled through the island, trying not to seem noticable by going behind the wooden cottages, or rocky houses. There were so many feathers...ew. Air Dragons shed alot. In the cliffs beside the houses more caves had been dug into its sides, making multiple homes. The Air Kingdom was so mystical to Calcite, she had only heard stories but now she was actually here.

"Hey!" An Air Dragon a bit younger than them spat. "It's an Ice Dragon!" He sneered, pointing. His friends came by and hissed at Calcite. "Get out of here! You don't belong here!" They said repeatedly. She felt ashamed, she felt ridiculed, she felt like an outcast. Storm opened his wings and shoved the teenagers beside, grabbing Calcite's arm and tugging her to run. They bombarded her with pebbles and stones, she shut her eyes and looked away as they ran. "WHY ARE YOU HELPING HER!" Another called out from behind, obviously directed toward Storm. He ignored it.

The Air Palace was just a few towns away, they were so close. They snaked behind houses and ducked beside trees, trying to be unseen. For Storm it was easy, but Calcite was another story. She ducked her head and hid her odd looking jaw that was thinner than Air Dragon's jaws. She tucked her wings in and Storm had used his wing to shield her, covering their suspicion. They had passed by an elderly dragon who looked about 110, she gave a smile and a waved at the two. They politedly waved back.
Was she actually being nice? Or was she too old to see them? Calcite didn't know, but she tried ignoring it. The sky increasingly became colder and darker, it looked like it was about to rain. The breeze had turned into wind, most Air Dragons had gone inside by now. But periodically she saw Air Dragon workers shove the clouds out of the Air Kingdom, but the clouds continued to push back. She shuddered then turned around to see where the clouds came from.

"Storm." Calcite stood still, her jaw dropped open.

"Huh?" Storm turned around.

Before them huge storm clouds loomed overhead. Calcite knew what they were. They were snowstorm clouds. Beyond them she saw hundreds of glittering scales.
The invasion was starting even earlier than planned. It was starting and there was no way to stop it now.

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