插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

I'm so deformed aha

My ribs are crooked one minute, then I shove them back into place, and they say "bro wot stop" and move back to their weird position, and then I shove them back into place again and now it's crooked the OTHER way, and slowly, it gets crooked the opposite way.

I'm so schkrimply ahae
Yes I'm ok =>

  • CREATOR RANK BRONZE Muna Sketches 11個月前

    > ★astro★
    Yeah.. Physio is a bit annoying, especially when I had to keep throwing balls at the wall and catching them with one hand, which I am TERRIBLE at XD- I can't remember why I had to do that... Why did I have to do that?-
    But anyway, obviously there were other things, but I definitely preferred the brace bit-