메디방ID: austaralynn

hi, i draw sometimes
i only post my art on here, pinterest, insta, and tiktok as of currently.
i only post my art on here, pinterest, insta, and tiktok as of currently.
guys how do i advertise my art
ive been flopping soooo bad lately on everything idk what to do LMAO
메디방ID: austaralynn

hi, i draw sometimes
i only post my art on here, pinterest, insta, and tiktok as of currently.
i only post my art on here, pinterest, insta, and tiktok as of currently.
Well.. Over covid people were wanting friends, and online was the best option. Now that we can actually see friends, we don't feel the need to comment on an artwork to make communication. And many people are busier now, so less time is spent online.
I feel like there are less.. Like, friends? I don't know but I always feel like It's so hard to get a conversation going in here. I lost pretty much everyone I am friends with. Because they were bored. I feel like EVERYONE has the same issue-
And another reason i think about why nobody gets comments, is because NO ONE is getting comments, and when a person who has no comments on their art comments on ANOTHER person's art, it feels like they are giving more than receiving.