Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Ik everyone to this point is tired of my long af storytimes but here's another thing I wanted to add:

so aparently I can't reply to my own post bc idk there were like random numbers and things wrote in japanese and idk japanese so lemme paste the text.
It's more info about the guy that I used to like:

Also let me say that the guy that rejected me who we'll call G is very dumb and weird also a very bad person to me.
And idk why tf he is still mad at me if I only liked him for a while when I was 11 and now I'm 14 like grow up dumb idot.
I also went through a very hard time when I was preparing myself for the big last year exams and due to how bad I felt and that I was crying so much I didn't have that much time to study bc the moment I would start to read my notes I would just start crying again. And G doesn't seem to understand that, so after the 1st day of tests, I was talking with my bestie and with G about how was the history test, and I confesed I didn't have that much time to study and G was like "Why is that huh? you had plenty of time to do it" and I said "I was feeling very down" and G was like "Oh come on, it couldn't be THAT bad" and my bestie said "everynight she would come to me having anxiety attacks, leave her alone, it is not her fault" and G said "IDC" and left, LIKE BRO WHYYYY??????????
And he is very nice to others and only a bad person around me. He also said "you seem to eat way too much, you are kinda fat" I LOOK FAT but I'm not. If you have boobs and put on a shirt you will look fat even tho you are not and that is my case. But even if it wasn't who do you think you are to talk about how much I eat, bc I eat like 2 meals a day if that day I'm very hungry I eat 3, bc my dad also judges me a lot and that's why I hate G so much, he is like a nicer version of my dad, but he is still a bad person with me.G also ignores me 90% percent of the time and taht 10% of the times he replies to me he says something mean or rude and I just can't stand him anymore.
Also he tries to make himself interesting. My group of besties and me have been hanging out all summer and everytime we hanged out we invited G but he always had something important to do. And my ex made a group chat for us to plan things and G was like "oh I think I'm busy this day, and this other one" and he would say the entire calendar, like damb boy, we know you don't get any b*tches but you don't have to make yourself interesting by saying that bc its so eww.

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