插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

i no longer feel safe in my own home ^^
a couple people (or something) at 4-5 in the morning took the car cover off of our car in the driveway, strolled into our front and back yards, pushed a bucket of water over, broke our fairylights, moved a box and left a pair of thongs DX (flip-flops you Americans call em XD)
AND WE FOUND A KNIFE TOO (that was definitely not there and we never owned it) but it's pretty cool and quite heavy, but still very scary
we think they were trying to find the keys for our car-- and they got away as soon as we woke up
right before they left, they were right outside my bedroom window and i could hear them talking and walking around on the grass DD=

weeee neeed tooo mooove OUUUTTT ALREADDYYYY
