イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

i need to get stuff off my chest, sooo:
STUFF I HATE ABOUT MEDIBANG (in order from tolerable to makes me want to jump out a 6th story window.)

1) fucking DRAMA. ik it's mostly kids on this website, but JESUS CHRIST, some of them need to chill the fuck out.

2) Anons (only the kind that troll people.) I've only had an anon once, and i wasn't that bothered by it, but i see them ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLACE, and i'm like, if you don't like it then LEAVE PEOPLE THE FUCK ALOOOOOONE. i used the anon function once, and it was to comment saying some art was stolen and that people shouldn't adopt stuff from it, and that was before i had made my first post, and i just didn't want to start shit before i even really EXISTED on here

3) THE MOST TOXIC SHIT ON MEDIBANG (in my opinion,) is the FUCKING HUMBLE BRAGGING. if you title your shit something like "little doodle i made on my phone," or "ugly sketch" and it's a FULL BLOWN, FINISHED DRAWING, FUCK OFFFFFFF. there's a difference between self esteem issues and fucking humble bragging. if one or two drawings from that person are called something like "i know it's bad," or "ugly art," then it's PROBABLY (not defifitely) self esteem issues, but if the creator's ENTIRE BODY OF WORK is like that, they're just fishing for compliments.

anyway, thanks for listening to me ramble. I just needed to vent some frustrations i had. BTW, i'm not gonna name names, but some of these, i had specific people in mind.
