插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

i hate buying ota’s lately

person im buying from:“can you draw these two characters? *links to characters*”

me that night: “ofc! I can start in the morning”

me next morning: “are these characters yours?
when i clicked the link it led to another account and i wanted to make sure they were yours ^^”

them: “oh yeah, their my friends characters but its fine”

me: “sorry but could you link some of your oc’s? im not comfortable drawing somebody else's oc if im trying to trade with you, sorry for inconveniencing you”

them: “i dont see the issue, just draw the characters linked. My friends fine with it.”

i know im the asshole here but like, i wish they could have just changed the characters,,
I dont want to give their friend free are when im not offering on their friends characters

i just cancelled the offer, i dont feel like arguing today
