插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

not really hiatus but hiatus
hey guys! i know im not as active as I used to, in fact i'm way more active on instagram but I still try to post on medibang and share my work. heck my work gets shared here first but I usually post the art on both accounts at the same time, kinda, so it doesn't matter as much.

anyways thats not the point, my point is im not as active as much as I used to but ill still be checking up on my account and still planning comics. anyone still remember that imaginary soulz story? well that story has gone through major editing and changes and even progress since last time I ever talked about it, but most importantly about it i've planned a comic book version for it but it wont come out til like maybe a long time. like a LONG TIME! maybe as early/late as 2020. thats when i'll graduate actually and soon go to college. I know college may not be the best time but thats why im saying maybe, and not saying definitely. I plan on becoming an artist and hopefully freelance writer so that definitely helps me for my project. it's not exactly a huge project, but it's been my dream to complete and make it as good as humanly possible ever since the idea came through my head. so it may be 2020, maybe earlier, maybe later, but all I suggest is to not get your hopes up, only because i dont wanna hype all of you and turns out it's not as good or it's getting delayed, so you can wait, but I won't guarantee your wait will either be worth it or short. im not saying ill be awful or that im not confident at all, im just saying it's not 100% guarantee gonna come soon, so I suggest you go on with your lives until I have an actual definite release, that surely wont be soon.

so anyways back to my month long hiatus XD bye, luvs to all who still remember <3
