イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Parting ways - Night's Thoughts
Sometimes when we had to take a pause and put a coma on our life journey, it's the hardest time where we have to not lose ourself mid-way through
Whether you regret, thought about the present, or even the future, there will be that one moment when you realize, "Wow, i fucked up" and then proceed to turn off your brain

That one moment when you realize everything goes down hill but you don't really wanna fix it soon, that's the fall of every thoughts

Our life is given only once (At least i think it is), living it to the 'fullest' can be a whole lots of meaning

Maybe you are a hardworker for your future, securing a 'good' future for yourself and live your life to the fullest
But also there's you that's lazy and just want to enjoy the things that are still going on right now
And this is where the Split happens

A part of you that wants a better future for yourself,
A part of you that wants to take some break off and enjoy life,

This could cause an overload

An overload to the brain where bc you think too much, it decide to heat and shut off instead

Why am i saying this? Ofc, coz im having it right now,
And i dont want you to be like me, it's horrible having these shits

Overload and burnout can be put on the same sentence since one usually relate to one another

Because of the brain overload and your body burnout, nothing is going to go your way
Take a break and then decide on what to do
Forcing yourself won't get any result if you can't even access the information you are having 5 mins ago

Don't get too tired and drink lotta water

Luv you


If somethings doesn't make sense, i'm in sleep deprivation mode, i apologize truly
But i hope you have a good one, alright?

