Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

C1(?) sorry for spamming-
“What a nice-ish morning.” 1076 said to herself as she ate yet another bite from her cold oatmeal. “Why do you say“ish”?” 0786 asked 1076 with a tad bit of confusion in their voice.
1076 gives a small sigh,as if she was trying to think of an answer. “..well..nobody's fighting,or trying to start any useless drama-” 0786 cut her off,”hmm…”they muttered, then gave a smug grin,
if everyone would've seen their face, they could tell 0786 was up to something. “yet.” they said slowly,making the word
“longer” than it actually was. 1076 sighed. “yet..” she repeated as if 0786 was making her say it.

After all subjects finished their meals they were assigned to be escorted back to their cells;if they didn't comply, deadly force may or may not be used.
Some subjects might be paired up into groups of two,very rarely three,if there's not an available cell.
And 1076 just had the "luckiest opportunity" to be paired up with 0786. Both subjects got forcefully shoved into the cell, 0786 decided to begin some small talk, the dead cold silence was starting to annoy them. It made things seem “uneasy” or,even flat out terrifying in some cases.
“Sooo…got any nicknames?” 0786 asked nervously, trying to break the endless silence. “Nope, you?” 1076 asked with a slim grin. “Welllll,some people call me Neon!” 0786
brightly exclaimed,arms up in the air just to really emphasize the sentence.
1076 thought it was funny, they’re not even Neon colored, more or less pastel. “Haha, and who gave you that name?”
1076 asked, covering her mouth from laughter. To you it may not seem funny, but it gets pretty dry on something to laugh about when you’re in containment, a lab.
“I was talking to a subject during the second meal hour, he kept calling me Neon, so i stuck with it.” 0786 paused, they were thinking of something, as if they forgot a detail.
1076 let out a small “hmm” to let 0786 she was listening.
0786 then finally spoke,”..i uh..i think he was color blind? I don't know,something was messed up with his vision.”
1076 just gave a small muttered "oh." in return.
Silence again, at this point they're both just staring at each other. “Do you want a nickname?” 0786 asked.
1076 thought for a second; 'what if they give me a dumb name-???’, something new wouldn’t hurt, it’s about time something changed.
“Sure.” 1076 answered,”Show me what’cha got,Neon.”
Neon laughed, then thought. “Hmm, Onyx?”
1076 shook her head.
“mmmm..good but no.”
“oh i know! How about Anna?” Neon exclaimed.
1076 gave a semi-confused stare.
“Do-do i look like a Anna??”1076 said with a slight frown.
It’s not like the name is bad,it's just a bit over used.
Neon sighed,slapping their face with their paw;a bit too hard, enough for them to mutter the word ‘ow’.
“How about Decco?”
1076 liked the name, it's not overused and easy to say.
“Boom,that’s my name.” 1076-or-”Decco” exclaimed.
“Nice, I can finally call you something normal.” Neon laughed,so did Decco.

That was a bit to write, I'll continue this soon.(maybe)
i wanted this to be longer but uhhh, i don't really expect people to read this at all lmfao-
sorry for spamming the timeline-
word count:570

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