일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

The Truth about the ‘lams’ relationship
John Laurens grew up wealthy, but had severe problems keeping the money his father gave him. Perhaps he was buying extravagant things for himself during Valley Forge. This would explain why he said “Those who are employed to feed us do not give us adequately to our *wants*•. Everyone around him was suffering, and he was probably dehydrated, but he still dressed well. His excuse was “I must not forsake my relation to the president of congress” or something like that.
Hamilton, meanwhile, grew up poor, but probably had a lot better skillz with his money.
Both, however, were surrounded by death so frequently while growing up. Hamilton was surrounded by physical harm, Laurens by mental. In a way, they both brought healing to each other and yet developed much of each other.
Why does this matter? Bare with me.
Lots of people awknoledge the fact that Washington allowed and possibly encouraged Laurens and Hamilton to share a bed at Valley Forge. This has become a huge thing for a lot of the shippers. However, this doesn’t mean much, tbh. This was Valley Forge, people. There wasn’t a lot of room. Two, sometimes three men, had to share a bed. This was actually cramped quarters as well, leaving little room for privacy.
Laurens and Hamilton were wide de camps, which from my understanding meant that a certain person could be given less or more time depending on Washington’s request. So perhaps on those days that Laurens and Ham were let loose first was the times they acted so sexual with each other, as reflected in their letters.
I may post more about this if need be. Things for Laurens and the lams relationship can always be posted, if you have any requests let me know!
Let me end this with something really quick? You know the cold in my professions letter? And that five words crossed out? https://www.google.com/amp/s/ciceroprofacto.tumblr.com/post/149351486726/those-five-words/amp

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