插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Story time Yee!
So one day in early September 2016, I believe it was the 8th, some kid decided to bring mercury to school. Now mercury is a dangerous chemical as many of you know but some kids decided to play with it in the bathrooms. At lunch they made an announcement but we were all like “lol wtf is mercury”. Anyways, we shook it off and around 8th period (second to last period of the day) the school was put on soft lockdown. Again we shook it off. Then the bell rang for us to go to 10th period. Most were like “YAY WE DONT HAVE TO GO TO 10TH PERIOD!!!” However, the bell rang for us to go home and then we started getting worried. An hour later frantic calls came in asking about their child but we weren’t allowed to answer our phones cause the teachers were like “fuck you parents! We don’t want you to know that we have endangered your children!” Anyways at around 6-9 parents were gathered up around the backdoor and they were fucking pissed. Many fought the staff and tried to break down the door and even the news was there to tell lies! Anyways my mom was there and she had a contraption because she was pregnant and she had to stay in the teachers lounge. She was told to go to the hospital or go home but she wouldn’t leave without me so they had to put our class ahead and I was pushed through the line to get checked for mercury. I found out later that everyone had to go through machines but they only had 4. Two they got from California. I was released at 10 while many stayed as late as 4 in the morning. Then we got 5 days off and now every year we celebrate it. Yay!
