I often think about the fact that I'm eventually gonna die (probably really early at that.) Tbh, I've come upon the conclusion that I'm not actively suicidal, but if I were to die right now, I wouldn't give a shit. I'd be fine with it. And hey, maybe there is something after death. Something better than this hellhole we call life. Probably not though, and I'd just cease to exist. That would be nice. Basically the only thing that bothers me about it though, is that I'd leave all my stories behind, and nobody would know what to do with them. I don't want my characters to die just cuz I'm dead. So I'm always trying to document my universes. Get all the details on paper, so that when I die, I won't take everything with me. I've got a little blue notebook that I always keep with me irl, in which is contained everything I can get down about all my universes. Ig I use this place too. All these development dumps i post on here are basically making sure someone can pick up where I leave off once I die. Idk, this got a bit existential. I've been thinking about my own mortality more and more. I wonder how I'm gonna die... Knowing me, it probably wouldn't be interesting at all. Ill probably just have a sickle cell crisis and just die.
Anyway, gn UwU
Anyway, gn UwU