Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
Looking Back and Ahead
So, it's been about a year now since I began the difficult task of trying to become a mangaka, and I feel as though I have made decent progress, but could have done a lot more. For one, I took several week long breaks that added up to probably about three months of not practicing, so that didn't help. The good news is that the writing side has gone better, though still suffered from breaks and blocks, too. Still, if anyone does read this, I think all of my friends on here have improved a lot just in the year that I've known them, and I'm proud of all of you! Your manga have all looked great, and I'm sure you'll improve even more! Though, if you can spare the time, I'd like to know what you guys think of my improvement so far. Considering the fact that I started from absolutely no drawing experience, I'd say I've done pretty well. I do want to give a sincere thanks to my friends on here, as you guys are really the only source of encouragement I have. So thanks, and stick with me!

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  • CREATOR RANK CREATOR Abyssal Yoma 5 years ago

    So yeah, part of the reason I don't post so much despite being a beginner in sore need of practice, is because I'm juggling it with working on writing a full length manga series. Dream big, right? But, also I just really don't like writing small and short stories with little complexity to them. Hence the multiple cancelled oneshots, but have no fear, Sashiba has not bet cancelled, just very slow progress on it, and it only really is for practice, not a super serious project. I plan to get the script for my main manga done within the next six months or sooner, and once it is I'll have a lot more time to draw. It'll get mainly taken up by finalizing character designs, and all the other art assets, but I'll let you know when that milestone gets hit, cuz I'll be pretty happy.