插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

There's someone that I r e a l l y don't like in my choir class, and she wore a Stitch outfit yesterday and god I was SO pissed. Like, how dare someone that I hate wear something related to MY hyperfixation?
Anyways I know that it's super trivial and petty but autism does what autism wants, and autisms wants to gatekeep my special interests so that people I don't like can't invade my mental space. Literally I'm still pissed, seeing her makes me fume. She's a jackass with a bitch of a friend that's really rude to me. She's a fucking egotistical self absorbed bitch and I hope she moves away before the end of the year so that I never have to see her fucking face again. Fucking bitch, stay away from Lilo and Stitch, Lilo and Stitch is only for nice people.
