イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Break Update
so, hi there another update
I feel like I am making a lot of updates-

so, I am going to take a break in Discord and probably just social media in general. My mom found out I chatted on Discord, didn't really punished me, but she may sort of guilt trip me for it, so I am going to take a break from everything. I'll be online at some social medias yes, but probably not chat or just comment.

I also may do story times here and there or maybe talk about something, like my favorite music genres or music bands (including solo and not), what I have been doing, etc.

so yea, I am going to take a break but I am online and be aware that I am stalking you all and reading your replies to my topics 👀

+ Story Time +

I just decided to check out Cavetowns channel and let me give you some backstory about why I have this theory-

I'm going to talk about self-harm and suicidal thoughts, but remind you that this isn't a vent, I am just giving you backstory on the whole situation.

Me and Cavetown's songs have some weird ass connection. Like, the first song that I knew from him was Lemon Boy (which is how I got inspired to name one of my Among Us personas Lemon Boy). And then not so long I met someone that could be called a Lemon Boy (but she's a girl, 'kay?). And yea, we did have some sort of toxic yet not-so-toxic relationship, she was my best friend actually.

Then not long again, I discover his song Green. Which you all know how that went- then I forgot what song was next but I started to get in my Cavetown phase.

This whole coincidence (may or may not be a coincidence idk), I discovered the song Sharpener. Which was talking about people dealing with self-harm thoughts or self-harm, or maybe even hurting people feelings because they were egoistic, but mostly the self-harm. Well, a month after or so, I was dealing with self-harm thoughts and attempts in self-harm.

Then he released a song names Let Me Feel Low, which was a song about someone that was accepting that they were in an unhealthy mental state, and doesn't want to get better, but they eventually does. That's what I felt after the whole self-harm month.

Then he released the song *again*, with a collab with people making the video. Surprisingly, literally the next month I went through another phase of accepting my suicidal thoughts and hoping to not get better, but I eventually do.


And that's when I thought, every song that Cavetown is going to release next, is going to be a song of what experience of what I am dealing with next or experiencing at the time, basically his songs are telling me to prepare for the next battle and the songs are there to comfort me, since almost every song I heard for him are my comfort songs or escaping songs.

Now he released Paul which I think is about couples meeting each other in not a good mental health state or couples that are dating each other for a while and both are dealing with a not so good mental health state, or in short, toxic relationships. And I am legitimately scared- but the song is really good, so I may also comfort myself to it.

Oh well, if I am going to cry myself to sleep with the song, might as well make a story about it. I am working on a new Wattpad book of oneshot stories, they might have continued parts but who knows? So yeah, that's the story-

I just think the whole Cavetown thing is a really cool stuff and I am really interested into what songs he'll release next.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk, also I am okay now in the whole self-harm and suicide thoughts thing - they all passed long ago and I am just v i b i n ✨ okay bye now! See yall, I'll try to make daily updates!
